Well I was just sitting here listening to some Celine Dion when this email burst forth into my inbox. Hi-Rez Studios is announcing that Tribes: Ascend, the newest release in a series started in 1998, has been downloaded 1 million times within the first month of release.

"We're thrilled that over 1 million gamers have discovered the fast-paced and skill-based gameplay of Tribes," said Todd Harris, Hi-Rez Studios Chief Operating Officer. "It is truly the player support of the title that has driven the population growth and fuels our team to deliver updates."

"We see the community expanding primarily through positive word of mouth," continues Todd. "Since release we've already recognized seven players who have each individually referred over 500 new people to Tribes: Ascend. The game's success allows us to give back to the community through free DLC updates, tournament events and expansion into new markets in coming months."
We've been pretty big fans of Tribes: Ascend here at 4Player, and if you haven't joined us for one of our community matches yet, I implore you to do so. But there seems to be more happening here than just a good multiplayer game doing just as well as it should.

I've been noticing a resurgence recently, not in what I would necessarily call retro gaming , but in games from the 1998-2003 era. Tribes: Ascend, Mechwarrior Online, Planetside. All of these games, PC exclusive, that did their part in making a mark on gaming and pushing their respective genera's forward. In a gaming industry where some of us feel as though common gamers can be blinded by the yearly churn of AAA titles, it's good to see this resurgence happening. And for our history, even though somewhat recent, to still find a place to be loved...and more importantly played.


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    12 years, 10 months ago

    tribes deserves this and even more i played the first tribes and ascend is the best multiplayer i've played in two years.

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    12 years, 10 months ago

    sweet good news for the franchise and hopefully their mmo is just as successful.