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It looks like the chaps over the CCP are starting to release developer diaries as the run-up to the Dust 514 release beings.
This first installment covers the basic structure of Dust 514, how it works in collusion with Eve Online and, more importantly, how being part of a bigger picture adds additional investment on the part of the players.
The last point is really where the rubber meats the road. Watching the video, Dust 514 certainly won't be able to hold a candle to more substantiated titles like Battfield 3 in the visual department, but what it offers is something more. While the battles in a game like BF3 can be large, they are ultimately just small, recycling shards who's outcome doesn't mater anywhere else other than as numbers on your Battlelog. Dust 514 approaches battles much more broadly, in that the win or loss of a single battle could have great effect on the universal battle being fought.
For this, I'm more than willing to give up a few points of graphical prowess.
12 years, 8 months ago
EVE is a joke that focuses on player created social developments. These 'social institutions' fail and are nothing more than a masochist joy ride due to the fact that EVE is a game. Gameplay is king in game design docs. That EVE banker that sold his share of the isk (EVE's currency interstellar credits) for real money awhile back and the low subscription numbers are interesting stories and facts to read about EVE's 'social institutions'.
Having said that, Dust 514 is just another shooter in a crowded genre. Dust 514 has players invested in each battle. How is losing that battle and your investments fun? 'Social institutions' are above gameplay in Dust 514's game design doc. That's what I am getting from this trailer.
12 years, 8 months ago
Looking good!