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After being delayed about a week beyond its PS3 and PC counter parts, the Battlefield Blog has announced that huge Battlefield 3 patch is finally hitting the Xbox 360 tomorrow, April 3rd.
No word on what held up certification. That's just the way things go sometimes and, currently, everyone is waiting for the big next Skyrim patch which is stuck within the same Microsoft limbo.
Reaction to the BF3 patch has been varied, with many people praising the USAS 12g Frag nerf, but lamenting the fact that tanks also took a serious hit on durability. Beyond that, the patch list is enormous, with changes coming to almost every weapon and vehicle in the game, and adding additional flags to CO games on Wake Island. This patch also marks the addition of DICE's Rent-a-Server service.
You can read full list of fixes and additions here for yourself. Best thing on that list? "-Added horns to all jeeps."
12 years, 10 months ago
Tomorrow? April 9th? Are you a time traveler?
12 years, 10 months ago
Every bone in my body does not want this to happen. Everything I hear from the PS3 side of things (which did get the patch) confirms that the game is essentially ruined for no good reason. Suppression is so heavy now that it'll be next to impossible to shoot back at someone. Seriously, there are videos of guys testing it out and the guy couldn't hit a standing opponent while only burst firing his rounds at say 30 yards.
That and the tank nerf is essentially going to kill the game for me, and it's all for shit that no one asked for.
12 years, 10 months ago
I'll play the game tomorrow and see how it goes. Chances are I'll be settling into using the USAS-12 with Frag Rounds again, but that depends on just what sort of changes they made to in medium-range combat. As far as that goes, the rest of the changes will be more of a learning experience for me.
12 years, 10 months ago
The MAV can no longer be used as an elevator. :sad face:
12 years, 10 months ago
Looking forward to this patch. There are a lot of things in it i'm cautious about but i'm glad they're fixing a lot of the major issues, like MAV lifts and Frag rounds on the USAS-12.
12 years, 10 months ago
Ughh frag rounds...
12 years, 10 months ago
The only reason they kept it was because of the 'PS3 first' type of deal, just as the did with the DLC.
It's the same as the Call of Duty series releasing all their DLC a month before the PS3 users, except a week doesn't really suck as bad.
Anyways, the game plays completely different now. This patch kind of helped cement itself in it's own legal. If you don't burst fire on the automatic weapons, you won't hit anything after the first three bullets. If someone is shooting at you, you are so suppressed that firing back is entirely useless. It was mildly entertaining when me and another person started shooting on each other today with each of us using light machine guns, and we each went through about fifty or so shots before I died.
We were standing out in the open too.
It's too early to tell whether this patch is a positive or a negative, but it really did make the game drastically different.
Oh, and if you have the starting weapons permanently unlocked, they won't switch around anymore. Which is awesome