The rumor mill is currently churning out word that Monolith is currently working on a game tie-in to Peter Jackson's The Hobbit.

The source is a tweet by @supererogatory, known as an internet source with a history of revealing industry secrets stating:

As to what Monolith/WB Games Seattle is up to now—pretty sure it is a little fantasy action RPG-lite called The Hobbit: Part One.

Considering that WB Seattle has laid off a number of people from its studios as recently as November, including the developer of Lord of the Rings: War in the North Snowblind, only Monolith is left as the main contender in Washington to develop the game.

Personally, though it could be great I'm not so sure I want to see Monolith doing a movie tie-in game. Monolith is a great developer with a rich history, and to see them enter a movie tie-in phase -games that have historically been either just decent or awful- breaks my heart a little. It seems like we'll probably be waiting a good deal longer for any new No One Lives Forever. 

[Source:  Joystiq, Eurogamer]


  • Avatar
    12 years, 10 months ago

    A Hobbit movie tie-in doesn't sound exciting. A new Lord of the Rings game set in the universe without the restraints of being a movie tie-in, sounds better. You know what sounds great a new ip or Condemned 3.

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    12 years, 10 months ago

    I don't have high hopes for this one...

  • Avatar
    12 years, 10 months ago

    Unfortunately, I think Gotham City Impostors is the closest thing we'll ever get to No One Lives Forever, multiplayer wise.

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    12 years, 10 months ago

    So fucking bummed EA Redwood Shores (Now Visceral Games), aren't with EA to do more Lord of the Rings games like return of the king.

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    12 years, 10 months ago

    Heh, outlook not so good.