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Capcom has released a launch trailer for the Devil May Cry HD Collection which is available in stores starting today.
It shows off the usual HD upgrades using the platitudes you would expect, "Stunning" seems to always make it in there somewhere, but I'm more interested because my own experiences with the Devil May Cry series have been cursory at best. And by that, I mean only playing a few hours into Devil May Cry 4 is the extent of my exposure.
Why? Well as this HD collection is released I'm starting to think about that more now. I do enjoy those types of games, Bayonetta was one of my favorite games of 2010, but I will also relent that during the PS2 era they weren't really my forte. The charactization of Dante is ok I suppose. He always reminded me of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, although not a turtle, or a mutant. But you get the idea. That teenage know-it-all swagger combined with the ability to actually back it up with damage makes for a fun anti-hero. Although him also being a mutant turtle would also be awesome.
My question is, after playing and loving Bayonetta is it worth it to go back? Does the Devil May Cry series offer anything that hasn't already been improved and refined in modern games? Let me know in the comments, and check out the launch trailer below.
12 years, 10 months ago
Havent played bayonetta, but Devil may cry is classic, must-play classic.
12 years, 10 months ago
To answer your question, It would be nice to see how it all started (DMC 1) in terms of bayonetta. However it would be nice to see how far development of this type of came has come, as well as having some good challenges along the way.
12 years, 10 months ago
The time is right for next generation consoles. Watching those "HD" remakes and they still look like first generation games. It just looks like they added anti-aliasing to the game, went from none to 2x. I personally enjoyed Bayonetta more, mainly because of the character.
12 years, 10 months ago
I definitely say they're worth playing if you've never delved into them before. Devil May Cray 1 and 3, specifically, are highpoints in the series. 1 has a slightly more dark, gothic overtone whereas 3 has absolutely fantasic combat and outrageous cutscenes.
I'd really recommend them.
12 years, 10 months ago
This just came out? I've been playing it for days now the hell is going on? I think my gamestop sold it early. Anyways the game is still good. But minor issues like they use tge same cutscenes from the ps2 that isnt hd most of it is hd but its still worth playing, but the original devil may cry is still the best.
12 years, 10 months ago
I've played the heck out of 1 and 3, SS ranking everything, non-stop lightning speed combos, and I say if I had the time I would love to replay them all over again. Don't care about these "updated" graphics, its just that the combat feedback is so good, but of course you won't like it as much when your skills are butt. If you've never played them, then of course they're a must play, especially 1, you can't compare Bayonetta with 1. And because you'll probably never get another game like these.
12 years, 10 months ago
Having played Bayonetta, I think the main draw of these older games might be simplicity. Not like "dumbed down" simplicity or anything like that, but for DMC1 for example, you pick your gun and your weapon, then have at it. No mid-fight weapon switching, no huge list of weapons to choose from, just you and whatever set you want, for the entire game if you really want a challenge. Oh, and also there's that: a good challenge. Not that Bayonetta wasn't challenging.
Personally, I've maxed out the clock on the PS2 DMC3, then kept on playing. So, do with that what you will.
12 years, 10 months ago
I'd say Devil May Cry 1 is a great history lesson for action game fans, but it can be tough going back at times.
Devil May Cry 3 100% holds up in my book as one of the most solid action games ever made. The combat remains unrivaled by anything but Bayonetta. For my money (not sure how popular of an opinion this is though) I even prefer the combat in DMC3.
12 years, 10 months ago
If the Devil May Cry series had been released after Bayonetta I'd say its only major improvement would be the removal of QTEs.
Devil May Cry 3's still worth a go, by virtue of the cutscenes alone. With Bayonetta it seemed like they had to cut corners on some of the cutscenes, so seeing Tsuda unleashed is a real treat.