I don't think I need to tell you how excited I am about Far Cry 3 do I? Well for those not in the know (e.g. not the cool kids), I'm very excited. I enjoyed Far Cry 2 quite a bit, although it did have numerous problems, and the third installment of the series seems to be clearing many of those problems up and adding a whole lot more meat to the world you'll be exploring.

I'm particularly excited about the characterizations within the game and, to that end, Dr. Earnhardt is slowly becoming by favorite character.  A slightly disturbed, but mostly brilliant hermit, he looks to be a fairly important peer during you time trying to escape the island, and I'm hoping we see as much of him as some of these trailers are eluding to.



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    12 years, 10 months ago

    Haha, he seems a bit crazy. I can't pin down what kind of accent he has though. I'm curious to see how he ties with the bad guys. Anyways, looking forward to Far Cry 3; it seems like there will be a bunch of different forms of transportation on the island.

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    12 years, 10 months ago

    So you are a badass, who watches his friends gets killed, becomes enemies with some crazy guy, shoots and blows up hordes of enemies, all while dropping acid? Sure, I'm in.

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    12 years, 10 months ago

    I hope there are more characters that can hold their own against the dr. and the antagonist.

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    12 years, 10 months ago

    Looks like two at least two different playable characters, judging by the tattoo on the guy's arm when he's on the jet ski.

    Also, holy faacking shit, Komodo Dragons. Shit just got real.

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    12 years, 10 months ago

    his green undershirt looks suspiciously like cannabis.