In news that is sure to rock the very foundations of the game industry, journalists and gamers alike learned that PS3 Move Exclusive 'Sorcery' has not been released.

The game was last heard about at E32011, and in its silence was thought to have either been released to little or no fanfair, or thought to have been canceled. Many gamers, on the other hand, didn't even think about it all.

"Honestly I thought it was released." Said Tommy Carolena, a 25 year old gamer from San Francisco, "You know, you hear about these motion control games, and they look kinda...I don't know...not really fun. Then they get released and you never hear about them again. Wait, do I need that gun thing?"

Harold Thomas, a 30 year old aspiring gaming journalist from Detroit had a similiar experience, "That game? Wow. I've been so busy writing about Skyrim and Modern Warfare that I completely forgot that was a thing. Wait? Are you sure that wasn't released already? No?  Jesus."

Much to the dismay of those who normally keep a tab of these things, Sony has stated the game will be released in Spring of 2012 as a PS Move exclusive.

"It's like you see a trailer and the movie looks kinda bad," stated Mr. Carolena, "And then you're going through the netflix and there it is! And you're all like...woah."



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    13 years, 2 months ago

    XD I had forgotten that this game even existed

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    man iono if its a good or bad thing that the game is comming out 2012. Good i guess, but bad if ppl already forgot about the dam thing since 2011 e3.

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    Nice bit of sarcasm in this article.

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    this article was very Onion-y

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    Nice joseph, thanks!

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    Am I the only one that knew this game hasn't been released yet? Am I the only one anticipating it a little? I feel all alone thanks to this article Joseph, and its all your fault!

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    13 years, 1 month ago
