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Excuse me, it's hard to type with my flagging member bounding all around the room like an Asbergers child on a bouncy ball. But let me just say this, the Max Payne 3 debut trailer looks amazing.
My only concern is that shooting mechanics was never Rockstar's forte. Sure, it's certainly gotten better over the years, and the shooting in Red Dead Redemption was some of the best we've seen from the developer yet. This is Max Payne though, and the shooting has to be amazing for it to work at all. If Rockstar can get this down, not only will they be making a fantastic Max Payne game...they'll also be improving their next games down the road.
Watch the trailer below.
13 years, 6 months ago
Finally. God only knows how long I've waited for a release trailer.
But one thing concernes me though.
this doesn't really look like it'll have the same dark and gritty atmosphere as the previous games, which was also one of the most apealing aspects of the games.
Will this even feell like a game worthy of the name ''Max paine''? Only time will tell.
Don't get me wrong though, the game looks awesome as it is and I'm still gonna play the shit out of it :D
13 years, 6 months ago
It's cool to see Max back but he isn't the same at all. I fell in love with the noir aspect of the game but it seems like the only part of it that they kept was the music the rain, the night time setting and the comic style cut scenes aren't there.
But hopefully I could be completely wrong. Also does anyone else think he kinda looks like zack galifianakis in the hang over 2? Slightly kidding there.
13 years, 6 months ago
Once i see gameplay I'll be happy. Or even just a narrative trailer that shows more of the style of the game. I can forgive the gunplay if R* can get the backdrop and atmosphere correct
13 years, 6 months ago
Oh so he missed his beard while shaving drunk. Now I get it.
13 years, 6 months ago
He threw a bottle at us, what a jerk!
Ah Rockstar, how my wallet hates you.
13 years, 6 months ago
Hangover Part 3: Max Payne 3
I kid, I love the noire that is Max Payne. I hope whatever part of Rockstar that worked on this wasn't any of the writers, though.
13 years, 6 months ago
I'm not impressed at all by the story (so far). : /
I don't want to be a cynic but one of the distinguishing elements of the previous Max Payne games was the noir style. Something that is rarely done in today's media.
Honestly, when I first saw Max Payne with a shaved head, I immediately thought of Sam Fisher in Double Agent. : /
13 years, 6 months ago
I'm going to echo the sentiments of most of the people so far and say that this does not look like a Max Payne game. It's far too bright and explosive. The music they use in there really highlights what seems to me to be a potentially fatal mistake, it just doesn't seem right having that sad slow violin while he's in a huge explosive colorful gunfight in Brazil.
Also, I'm not saying the game will be bad, but they're going to need to have some MAJOR tonal shifts if they want to capture anything similar to the spirit of the other two games.
13 years, 6 months ago
Looks like Kane and Lynch than it does Max Payne. I've played neither games, but I see that it's probably trying to make new roots than to stick with what people already love. I hope it's for the better that this series gets the comeback it deserves.
13 years, 6 months ago
MAX PAYNE is back, b******!
13 years, 6 months ago
I really am liking the possibilities this game could have. I def. can't judge the whole game based on this 1:45 trailer. I have hope that the game will both bring new decent gameplay but also stick with its roots in some aspects. When I think about it, I can't see how this is any more ludicrous than some of the plot points in the original 2 games. I have high hopes for this title.
13 years, 6 months ago
hopefully the engine will be optimized so itll work half well on the PC. If you recall GTA4 pc
13 years, 6 months ago
The only thing that made me give this game a nod to greatness was the Cello playing the same Max Payne theme, one of my all-time favourite themes in gaming, easily.
Sadly, this doesn't look very Noir. And Max himself, in the way he narrated this teaser, didn't really sound as overly complex. I miss the old style where he couldn't get by one sentance without at least 4 adjectives, 3 similies and a dozen metaphors.
Still, this is only a teaser. I withold full judgement for now but my early impressions based on this aren't too good :(
13 years, 6 months ago
Max Payne is pretty awesome. Can't wait to hose some dudes while diving sideways again.
13 years, 6 months ago
Can't say I'm all that excited about this but that may be me loving the first one too much and I'd still like to see what possible experimenting Rockstar is going to put into this game.
13 years, 6 months ago
Oh man, I can't waaaait
13 years, 6 months ago
Christ they've sure taken their sweet time.
I gotta say though, I am very much more comfortable with him being bald seeing how it was he kinda did it to himself. For some reason that makes it okay.
13 years, 6 months ago
Too much sun?
13 years, 6 months ago
hnnnngh Max Payne cello theme <3
I've been worried about that same thing though, Joseph, Rockstar has never really gotten shooting and gameplay right, and red dead was the best of the bunch, but still slow and sluggish.
I hope they hire better people to handle both character movement, controls, and combat, or else this has me worried..
still excited tho, loved the first two games, and it seems like they're following the super gritty noire theme of the first two..with a bald Max Payne and favelas thrown in there? I hope it's just for the beginning of the game or something, like metal gear solid 4's beginning in middle east, or double agents end in middle east; it's just not Max Payne.
(also I think I saw cover in the trailer..idk what to say to that unless it's sparingly used and Max throws himself out of cover with dual ingrams in slow motion to shoot some shit)
13 years, 6 months ago
Well I'm pumped for this game now, however one person above mentioned about R* mission structure; I do hope Max doesn't just get passed around from one mission dealer to the next like a vagrant whore. I feel the noir elements are still there; sure it isn't the midnight drenched New York and practically black and white but I feel that R* know what they're doing by experimenting with the genre and giving it a contemporary lick of paint. If anything, judging Max's past in New York, I'd be getting the fuck outta there.
With the new setting, it does give me thoughts of Heat/Kane & Lynch, especially haired Max reminding me quite a bit of Kane, but again it fits that style of frenetic John Woo action, and the violence being committed in broad daylight gives a disturbing contrast that the villains aren't afraid of opposition.
13 years, 6 months ago
Well the music and the voice actor have me excited. Plus it looks like they may just throw a heap of flash back stuff in there. I'd be more than happy to re-tread old ground. Oh and lookie here it's the original Bully team that's making it. Bully's movement was great, I mean it had to be so you could outrun all the prefects and bigger kids. :D I'm so pre-ordering this.