Weekend! It's been a busy week. Team Fortress 2 is now free, people in EVE Online are freaking the f**k out, and Shadows of the Damned has Damned our Shadows to hell. Here's what we're playing this weekend!

Joseph Christ:
"This weekend I'm going to finish up Dungeon Siege III. Problem is, I'm not really enjoying it. The entire game just seems so...mundane. I'm running through linear levels, smashing the A button and picking up loot that, really, isn't much more interesting than what I'm wearing. That, and the voice acting is dreadful. Even the voice actors sound bored to be in this game. It's too bad since I enjoyed the first two games on the PC. But that was a long time ago."

Nick Henderson:
"After a week hot titles hitting the shelves, the relatively short summer lull is about to begin. Fortunately, I have a pile of shame as tall as I am so I still have plenty to play. I am about to put a lid on Shadows of the Damned and the question then becomes what I will play next. I will finally start Hitman Blood Money on the feed this week so tune in! I will try out Fear 3 but my main focus will be on games that I have been meaning to play for a long time like Demons Souls and Call of Juarez Bound in Blood."

Nolan Hedstrom:
Unfortunately I have a busy weekend, work on Friday then driving to H-Town to get the seatbelt clip in my car fixed, lame huh? But without it fixed I won’t pass inspection.  Finally once I’m back in ATX Saturday afternoon I can start beatin’ up some high schoolers, of course I mean playing Bully. I’m about 50% done with the game, I’ve been having fun running around dressed as a elf and throwing itching powder on people. Another fun thing to do is throw marbles at the exit of the dorms, pull the fire alarm, and watch the insanity ensue. By the way I passed 3 classes already, I’m practically a genius. If there is time remaining I’ll also try to get a little Fable 2 in. I started that game a while ago, and I want to finish it, but it’s tough to find time for it. The game has gotten quite monotonous, and I am finding myself les interested in the story.  I did just purchase Fable 3, because I got it from GF for like $13, so I do want to finish Fable 2 before start it. Sunday has already been reserved, it will be a busy day, I think I might play a game of epic proportions, filled with mythical creatures of old, and a bit of imagination.

David Liao:
"I must finish Child of Eden this weekend. I've let that game sit way too long. I think the Kinect is really bumming me out on that game. Also this weekend, I'm excited to finish up Shadows of the Damned. It's been amazing so far, I only hope it doesn't tail off. And finally I'm hoping to try out Mighty Milky Way, the last of Way Forward Technology's DSi Ware games. I never got around to Mighty Flip Champs or Shantae, but I've heard nothing but positives about the developer, so I can't wait."

Brad Simons:
"I will be finishing up FEAR 3 tonight on the feed. Open Game Night tomorrow night bitches. And more Shadows of the Damned Wheneva da fawk I want. Dunseig 3 can suck my balls for not having online co-op."

(sshh, Brad. It does. -ed Joseph)

So what are you all playing this weekend? Sound off in the comments.


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    13 years, 2 months ago

    I've been playing a pretty fair amount of MvC3, finally understanding how to fight cohesively. I've also played a bit of Fallout: New Vegas, heading into the final stretch of the game (finally). Also, I've been repeatedly playing the demo of Sonic Generations. It's pretty good, except a lot of the challenging aspects have been stripped from the game. I hope they fix it in the final version.

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    Working on Trenched and Fatal Frame. Ghosts and robots!

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    Dungeon Siege 3 doesn't have online co-op? Holy crap, that what made the first two bearable.

    For myself, maybe more Two Worlds II on PS3. Good god does that game look jenky on the ps3. The animations and voice acting are out of sync and overall pretty shoddy and when you load in anywhere it takes a second or two for other objects to pop into existence. Still, I'm enjoying the magic gameplay an unreasonable amount. Other than that, it's writing a BSP dungeon generation algorithm for my dungeon crawler.

    Have a good weekend!

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    Well I just found Devil May Cry 1,2, and 3 in a secret gamey stash somebody gave me a year or two ago, never played them before so I think I'll try them!
    Also trying to complete Bit.Trip Runner. Its very unlikely..

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    Just Cause 2, ESIV: O shivering iles DLC, and Populous: the Beginning for PS1.

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    Probably a bit of trophy hunting in AC: Brotherhood. I got Brink through Gamefly and I'll give that a run through as well.

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    I'll be replaying Bioshock for a grand majority of the time but I will also be playing Team Fortress 2 to see how bad the new update made wallet humpers OP.

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    Hopefully I'll get around to finishing inFamous2 (Lovin it), but also want to play FEAR and Overlord.

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    Bulletstorm. Dang this game is pretty.

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    I'm thinking about playing some Grim Fandango, Probably just finish off Infamous and then start on Dead Nation and if all else fails I'll just resort to playing Final Fantasy XI.

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    Last night though to this morning I completed Green Lantern on Xbox 360, it surprised me that for a movie game it was pretty good & it's vary unlike me to finish a game in one sitting. Tonight/right after I post this I will be making a start on Shadows of the Damned, after seeing it being played this week on the feed I can't wait to play it myself.

    Hope everyone has a great gaming weekend! ^_^

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    I'm playing Borderlands by Gearbox, aka the people that tried to polish a turd, but failed.
    Enjoying the game so far. And I liked Opposing Force and Blue Shift.

    Might play some more APB:Reloaded if I got time.

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    suck my duck
    13 years, 2 months ago

    Last mission of La Noire to finish up then I think i may have to address my pile of shame (mainly FF9) behind the doors of my living room storage unit...

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    BIA: Hells Highway
    Shantae: Risky's Revenge
    Plants vs. Zombies

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    Finishing up my L.A. Noire 100% as I sit at 89.95%. Need to collect the rest of the Reels and drive the rest of the cars and ACHEEVO! Then on the side, I'll do whatever I suppose. XBLA? Team Fortress 2?

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    I will be wrapping up Trenched, as well as finishing all my cheev0s for Fallout New Vegas (time permitting), since I have only 3 left. I may hop back into LA Noire, but I'm finding the game way too heavy and involved for casual play, so this is a definite maybe for this weekend. I'm staying guardedly pessimistic.

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    Finally starting Infamous!

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    I originally planned to use this weekend to finish up DJ Hero and Alpha Protocol to get some much needed trophies, but alas, my PS3 TV refuses to work for more than a mere ten minutes, thwarting any Playstation Tripling I had in store.
    So instead, I'll be hitting up a little bit of computer gaming, namely Team Fortress 2 with my premium account. While the whole Free To Play deal concerns me as little as possible, I still want to get back into TF2 because of all the exotic weaponry. It all kind of reminds me of what a proper Ratchet and Clank multiplayer game should be, albeit missing the platforming bits that I remember from Deadlocked's eh multiplayer.
    But I hope to use a great deal of my weekend to Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy on the PS2. Old no-aiming ways of old shooters aside, I'm really digging the psychokinetic powers and the grand array of ways you can use them on fools, and with the way the game evolves, giving you more powers and such, it always feels like there's a new, undiscovered way to dispatch a baddie. The environments haven't been the most exciting I've seen in a video, but since each environment introduces a special place to throw your enemies (i.e. a furnace-looking deal or an electrified timeout corner), they're still a pleasure to explore. With all that and a plot centered around the aforementioned Mindgate Conspiracy that's filled appropriately with "wait"s, "what"s, and "Oh hey!"s, I've been really enjoying my playthrough of Psi-Ops and hope to finish it this weekend.

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    Terraria and some Team Fortress 2

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    Nick playing Demon's Souls? Shit must be streamed.

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    I got my hands on Portal 2 from the library, as well as Kung Fu Panda 2 (for Trophies). I gotta go back though and get L.A. Noire, which I also reserved. Looking forward to playing that.

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    Playing some Alpha Protocol, and this game is great, i love it! And cant wait to see Nick continue some Blood Money!!

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    Mario 64.

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    A P B, despite the hate for it I find it to be an awesome game filled with heated action and gameplay.

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    I'm going to continue Prey and maybe some XIII as well

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    Playing Dungeon Siege 3 as well, I'm actually liking the game. It's like Tourchlight, except it doesn't suddenly becomes crazy hard. Also TF2 of course. By the way TF2 is free to play now, just download it. Cudos to Valve.

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    Fallout 3 and maybe some Neir but probably not. I'm also doing Tetris Battle on facebook but that crap is so laggy and shady... Usher would go "omfg"

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    Completed all the missions in Brink, very underrated game in my opinion. About 3 hours into Darksiders right now and hoping to finish that up over the weekend. I've also been playing Mirror's Edge, but I'm thinking I trade in the PS3 version for the 360 version, cause for some reason my copy has the worst screen tearing I've EVER seen in a game and it's really bugging me (is this just me having this problem?). Hopefully I'll get my new computer soon so I can finally play Team Fortress 2 now that it's free.

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    Devil May Cry 4 :)

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    Finished Dragon Quest 8, going to Dragovian Trials now

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    Overlord 2

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    Tim Green
    13 years, 2 months ago

    with my hunger for fallout games still around I think I'll try to mess around my 50 hour save from 3 and re beat new vegas.After doing that I'll then pop dead rising 2 just to unlock the hockey mask. Or mabe I should focus on far cry? "What about silent hill 4?" my brother tells me after reading my post. "NO!" I yell to him with anger." You used all my healing items!"BANG! I shut my bedroom door on him and look at my game case.sweat rolls down my face as the fan breaks down. Suddenly my phone rings! "Hello! I don't want anything!" I burst into its tiny speaker. "dude Jack is breaking all your plates!" Well now I seem to have a new thing for this weekend.

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    Already blazed through Shadows of the Damned and F3AR this week, so I'll be spending this weekend watching Shadowloo Showdown and East Coast Throwdown fighting game tournaments, with the LA Noire Nicholson Electroplating dlc case filling up my time in-between.

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    I'll be getting at Some Battlefield BC2, along with GTA: San Andreas. Just got that one today on steam for only 4 bucks.

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    I'm going to play some Fallout 3, woot! lol

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    Fallout 3, woot! lol

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    I've been playing a combination of The Wticher, Team Fortress 2, and Minecraft.

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    some Stalker, maybe some call of cthulu, and finish up uncharted 2.

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    FTP Team Fortress, finally downloaded steam, so maybe some old school fallout?

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    Just finished a replay of DAII, and trying to complete FFXIII, despite my eye watering frustrations.

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    Aged Milk
    13 years, 2 months ago

    Watched some game-play footage of Guild Wars 2 on youtube recently, so I've been playing the first one on and off again for nostalgia. Not really feeling it for TF2 though, even though I have like 20 more friends that have it now.

    Just not a fan of having ads for micro transactions thrown up in my face every time I log onto a game. haha :)

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    ...It's Sunday and....I'm still playing Tactics Ogre, I'm over 100 hours in and I'm still not ready to put it down.

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    Being that team fortress 2 is free this week, I've been digging a little bit into that and I must say its very very fun!

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    Tuna Sandwich
    13 years, 2 months ago

    i'll be playing some Bad Company 2 and replaying portal 1 and 2 for the 3rd time. Maybe some hitman blood money once i get it.

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    Team Fortress 2. Having already owned the game, helping the F2P newbies while the whole rest of the community griefs them to hell -_-

    ALSO: If any of you 4Player guys start playing Team Fortress, I will give you weapons and hats.

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    13 years, 2 months ago

    Im playing nighmarehouse 2. This has a scary girl too and lots of undead guy who tries to punch you to the death. And the best is.....it's in a hospital. Ok the second part is in a hospital. And for every guy.....this game free! You only need steam and half life2 episode 2. It scares the shit out of you