
I love Warhammer 40k, let's get that out of the way right now. I used to have a Chaos Marine army years ago and would spend hours in a basement moving my little men around with rulers and explosion radius measurement tools.  It was a fantastic way to spend a Saturday afternoon and not get laid.  The learning curve of a game like that, however, can be extremely steep, and it's really only a select few who can sacrifice the time to really get into it. That's why Warhammer 40k Space Marine really feels like a breath of fresh air.

Warhammer 40k: Space Marine is a third-person action shooter through and through. It forgo's the sometimes labrythine rules and regulations of the board game for straight up action and chainsawing enemies to regain health.  It's good, dumb, fun at its most base level but is also surprisingly satisfying at the same time.

Control is fairly familiar. You move around with the left stick and aim with the right. Right trigger shoots and left trigger zooms in. Your X button does light chainsaw melee attacks, and your Y button does heaver attacks.  The player also has a “Fury” meter which will slowly build up as you attack and kill enemies. When unleashed, the "fury" will further empower your character with a variety of devastating attacks which are, and this is the most interesting part, completely contextual to the actions your character is doing at the time. Be standing in one position not attacking and you'll do an area of effect ground pound, be shooting and time will slow down, and you'll zoom in further, allowing you to do more devastating shots.  The system is fantastically responsive when you get the hang of it and can turn the tide of battle in an instant.

The player can also perform execution moves which will not only restore some health and energy, but are also fairly amusing to watch.  Keep in mind that the game, at this point in time, is no graphical powerhouse but they get the job done, and are more than adequate for a game which truly delivers on action alone.

Both cooperative play and multiplayer have been announced for the game but little information has been given about this so far. Personally, I can see this game being the most fun with an online squad, but only time will tell if that's in the cards.  As it stands now, however, Warhammer 40K: Space Marine is looking to be a fun romp in a universe that hasn't really gotten the video game air time it probably deserves. We'll be watching this one over the next few months for more details.

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine is scheduled to be released for Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360 and PS3 on September 6, 2011


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    13 years, 7 months ago

    I wanna be the Ork.

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    13 years, 7 months ago

    I want to be the Daemonette.

    If only they managed to get this out before Gears of War. To an unfamiliar eye these chainsaw wielding Space Marines are going to come off as cheap imitations of the Gears.

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    13 years, 7 months ago

    From what I've seen of this, it seems to be a fun action game. I'm sure there will be plenty of blood for the Blood God.

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    13 years, 7 months ago

    Wow, this game looks good. I have been anticipating this for a while. Oh and by the way does anyone know when Dark Millennium will come out?

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    13 years, 7 months ago

    I am super hyped for this, I used to love 40k so much.

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    13 years, 7 months ago

    I've been following this one with growing optimism. I was also a bit of a 40k gamer in my younger days, and while I left that behind me I did retain a fondness for the epic setting and themes. And I was always an Ultramarines fan too.

    'Good dumb fun' was exactly what I was hoping for with this one and the video & text previews have been pleasing. I'm going to get my pre-order in in a couple weeks.

    Oh - and I think it says absolutely everything about the 40k Universe that there can be 'light' CHAINSAW attacks. More Dakka indeed!

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    13 years, 7 months ago

    I myself, am an avid fan of Warhammer 40k, most notably the Dawn of War franchise, and preferably the original Dawn of War and it's expansions, since it was an easy pick up and play RTS. Had a couple buddies that played the tabletop as mere elementary school students too.

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    13 years, 7 months ago

    I had friends who played the actual table game. I always thought that's what the video games were like so I never looked into it. Now that I've read this it looks interesting. I'd definitely give a demo a go if one comes out.

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    13 years, 7 months ago

    While it saddens me that they got rid of the character customization and advancement, it looks like it could still be a fun, mindless hack and slash (and shoot.)

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    last i heard you can't take cover, is that still the case? If not, would it add anything if you could? I'm guessing it's more of a straight up action game rather than a gears style shooter.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    Yes, no cover apparently. Their rationale being you're an eight-foot tall hulking super soldier, "what do you need cover for?"

    I'd probably still bet on some stuff to hide behind if you really want to play peekaboo, but not a specific cover system and the gameplay is more geared towards rushing in and laying waste.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    Alright, sounds like good old mindless fun, ill try it.