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While the rest of you fools are buying a Nintendo 3DS to impress all your friends I'm going to one-up you all with my handheld SNES console. That's right, the Supaboy is a tool not unlike a Milkshake which has the magical ability to bring all the girls to the proverbial yard.
And by yard I mean my penis.
The Supaboy is the new handheld being released by Hyperkin, maker of all sorts of other random gaming goodies. It has the look of an SNES controller but also features a 3.5 inch screen and a cartridge port which allows it to play original 16-bit SNES cartridges. It also has two controller ports and a TV-Out allowing it to basically act like a regular SNES console.
It's going to be $79.99 for this badboy, a little pricey for a novelty item but it'll certainly get you bragging rights in the bar when you pull this out with a copy of Super Mario RPG. People already flipped when I showed them Mega Man on my IPhone.
The Supaboy is slated to be released sometime in the summer of 2011, plenty of time for you to take back your 3DS and pre-order one of these.
13 years, 10 months ago
The placement of that reset button is a little unsettling.
13 years, 10 months ago
"That’s right, the Supaboy is a tool not unlike a Milkshake which has the magical ability to bring all the girls to the proverbial yard."
Well played Mr. Christ
13 years, 10 months ago
Why are there controller ports on a handheld? 3 Player multiplayer? wtf?
13 years, 10 months ago
It kinda sucks that you'd need to carry around the cartridges themselves, and when the game is in the Supaboy, that thing's bulky as hell. But a portable SNES? I'm game.
13 years, 10 months ago
Hmmm, this could work out great or terribly. I will stay cautiously optimistic until reviews poor in.
13 years, 10 months ago
That is *pour comradebearjew. I think that is what you call a "Freudian Slip".
But this thing looks Fucking Awesome. And with SNES games being so cheap these days, we can easily have an entire library of games and never get bored on the plane EVER again.
"I don't care that the airplane ride is 50 hours, let's do this!" -pulls out SNES Portable-
13 years, 10 months ago
Looks cool but honestly i just want a good SNES replacement. All of the 2in1 SNES 'consoles' sold now have all of these problems with sound, freezing, picture and this portable version will likely too. I mean for fucks sake, why cant someone make a dedicated SNES replacement using modern technology that runs at least as well as the old one.
Thats whats holding me back from replacing my dead SNES, i do want to play some of my games for it again eventually.
13 years, 10 months ago
Anything that lets me play Super Metroid while I'm taking a shit is okay in my book.
13 years, 10 months ago
Wow. This is so incredibly random yet awesome.
13 years, 10 months ago
But do I still need to blow the dust out of my cartridges?!
13 years, 10 months ago
I miss Killer Instinct so...portable snes beats the want for a 3DS for a while longer. But temptation can only be held back for so long
13 years, 10 months ago
I dont know about the whole handheld part but its great to see an SNES replacement. good post!
13 years, 10 months ago
I'm actually really pumped for this. :D
13 years, 10 months ago
That's pretty cool. Lucky for me I still have my original SNES :D
13 years, 9 months ago
INB4 longer battery life than 3DS
13 years, 9 months ago
I want this so much.
Been able to play Snes everywhere is a dream come true.