Sad old man, likely hermit, and villain of the gaming industry, Jack Thompson has fired a letter off to valve threatening them with...something... if they do not act to shut down a Half-Life 2 mod entitled, "School Shooter: North American Tour 2012."

The letter itself reads like it was written by someone living in a boarded up house who drinks water out of plates that were left outside to catch the rain.

"Dear Mr. Newell:

You either know or should know that the more moral midgets who run Checkerboarded Studios have created a mod for your company's Half-Life which they call School Shooter: North American Tour 2012. This mod is a full-blown Columbine massacre simulator which cannot function without your company's assistance and acquiescence.

Attached herewith is a letter from FHE-ASAP that expresses their, my, and others' concerns about this Columbine massacre mod. As you either know or should know, your Half-Life murder simulator was obsessively played, and thus became a training aid, for a) teenaged Robert Steinhauser, who authored at Erfurt, Germany, the worst school shooting massacre in European history, and b) Seung-Hi Cho, who authored at Virginia Tech University the worst school shooting massacre in world history. As to the latter, the sources of this information are the Washington Post and the New York Times. Now some sociopaths have made reprises of Erfurt and Virginia Tech far more likely.

Given the fact that your company has the technological ability to stop the operation of School Shooter, you must undertake steps immediately to do so.

Speaking for myself alone (for now), you have until five o'clock pm Eastern standard time this Friday, March 18, 2011, to shut down this public safety hazard I predicted years ago this school massacre game would arrive. I hate being right all the time.


Regards, Jack Thompson"

P.S. I AM NOT A CRACKPOT! [ed.- Joseph]

What a sad and pitiful man Jack Thompson has become.  I imagine that ever since he was disbarred back in 2008 he has been growing more and more withdrawn, lashing out at anything he perceives is a cartoon gun, and frantically sketching geometric shapes on rusted shovels in the basement of his boarded up home.  On Tuesday evenings he spends three hours yelling at a life sized doll of Gabe Newell he has constructed out of couch pillows and twine. And at the end of the tirade he falls into a shivering heap on the dirt floor, sobbing and wetting his sackcloth pants.

I'm not so sure Valve even could do anything about a mod. They could pull the license I suppose but it's also not as if they are behind the mod in any official sense. Besides, if I had received this letter I would purposely leave the modders alone out of spite.

[Source: The Escapist via Game Politics]



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    13 years, 6 months ago

    "Speaking for myself alone (for now)..."

    I can imagine Thompson like, hunched over his keyboard thinking, "Should I include when the dog next door tells me to punch the trees and set things on fire? No, no.. it's too early. He's not *ready*."

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    Fear the Newt
    13 years, 6 months ago

    This guy's still around?

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    "I hate being right all the time."

    Poor Wacko Jacko. He really has lost it hasnt he?

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    This guy is more wack than the crack head I met on my commute shuttle to school the other day.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    That can't be Jack in the picture up there. There's actually someone near him. "You have until 5 o'clock" ? Doesn't he know anything about Valve time? Gabe still has about 6 months to do something.

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    Razlo TPD
    13 years, 6 months ago

    I understand Jack Thompson does have *some* kinda of position to say stuff like this (Even if he is a raging looney) but I can't help but feel that the quality of his writing is nothing better than when you come across that rare forum troll who went and manaed to teach themselves a few big words.
    Surely he would have a better result if he contacted the mod team themselves and left Valve alone?

    Although having said that, since he apparently 'predicted' this years ago with his immense psychic potential, maybe ''Half-Life Murder Simulator'' is his prediction for what Half-Life 3 will be called? Only time will tell, ladies and gentlemen. It may not be long until we're all kneeling before Galactic-Jack, Lord Supreme of all known dimensions (and some we don't know about, too.)

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    I remember when he led a crusade against Bully because he thought it was a "Columbine Simulator." That's pretty much the exact opposite of what the game was. Glad to see he didn't do his research again, If you looked anything up about mods for Half-Life 2, you'd realize that Valve doesn't regulate the content within them.

    But then Morbo, Jack's beloved Leprechaun friend, forbids research. Morbo only supports Fire.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    The only thing Jackie has accomplished is giving a shitty mod more attention than it deserves. Valve doesnt police it's mod makers.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    I remember years ago emailing Jack Thompson to argue against him trying to sue Rockstar for San Andreas - after two or three rather lengthy and, I thought, well-worded emails, I finally got a response - simply asking me to stop emailing or else I'd be faced with legal action.

    The guy's a moron. He thinks he's fighting for justice but he's the kind of guy that thinks that to stop drink driving, ban people from driving. His ego is over-inflated and the hilarious letter he sent shows me signs he's more cracked up than ever. Give the man his own 5 minute comedy sketch, people will think his rants are an act to make us all laugh and giggle.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    Ok guys we seem to be forgetting the more important issue, some psychos have made a school shooter mod. This isn't something that shouldn't exist and valve should shut it down if they can. Now I don't know the content and I'm sure Jack "Ass Face" Thompson is just being a fool by calling it a columbine simulator. I hope atleast....

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    seriously? I hate that people like this exist. I bet he feels all special now with this "wonderful letter" about Valve's obvious "murder simulator".

    Makes me sick. Fuckin' troll.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    While I hate the fact this man is trying to censor free speech, I also hate the fact that a school shooting simulator exists.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    There used to be a time when these crackpots use to say the same of movies and books and medicine .

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    You know, Jack Thompson is an idiot but a school shooter mod really doesn't sit well with me, unless it was made for some sort of comical purpose. If it's not used for comedy, then I don't like the idea of this mod. Threatening Valve for a mod is pretty stupid though.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    Oh, Jack. You always help me boost my self-esteem.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    Didn't expect this guy to be messing around so soon. Anyway, love the article's style. Thanks for giving me a laugh.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    when he went after the modders, they probably laughed their asses off then ignored him. So now he went after Valve instead.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    Good thing the Jack's ideals are valid only in his mind, or we'd be in trouble

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    Jack Thompson needs to read a book, get some friends, or have some kind of epiphany. I don't know, but he's not going to change the world being an ignorant pest. He should take on more positive endeavors to end youth violence like improving education and helping the poor.

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    Marsh D Teach
    13 years, 6 months ago

    Glad to know I haven't missed anything ground breaking in the past week =____=
    Well, at least critics of the video game industry are finally dying out more or less nowadays

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    All Thompson has done is make more people aware of something that he supposedly hates or detests, meaning more people will end up playing the mod than if he didn't lash out to begin with. He's either a pathetic phony that will leach on to anything that's taboo to make a few bucks, or he's a senile sad man that doesn't know how to fight for his own cause, I'm going to go with the former though.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    "Deranged elderly man shouts from atop a lamp-post. People remain unimpressed."

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    ignorance is his new best friend...

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    I hope he doesn't think that his letter will do any thing.

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    So Duke Nukem: Forever has a ‘Smack the babe
    13 years, 6 months ago

    [...] I’m not sure if her screaming and clawing slows you down, or maybe it’s so loud that you can’t hear other enemies coming? But I do know this, it seems like the sort of thing thats ripe for getting people all offended and part of me, though thinking it’s fantastically hilarious, hopes Gearbox isn’t surprised when the hate mail starts rolling in. In other words, I hope Randy Pitchford is ready for a letter from this guy. [...]

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    If I was Gabe Newell, I'd send this letter back to him, covered in shit after wiping my ass with it.