People pirating Nintendo DS games in the UK? Well the British high court has just sunk your battleship.

MCVUK carries word that a London High Court issued the ruling in a case against Playables Limited, decreeing that the R4 cards are now illegal to import, advertise or sell. Defendant Wai Dat Chan had attempted to argue that the cards should be legal since they allow users to run homebrew applications, but the court ruled that “the R4 must first must circumvent Nintendo’s security systems before it can work, therefore making it illegal.”

Nintendo, the plaintiff,  has been persuing this litigation for some time now and is apparently happy with this victory.

“Nintendo initiates these actions not only on its own behalf, but also on behalf of over 1,400 video game development companies that depend on legitimate sales of games for their survival.”

This is only the first victory for Nintendo who now has open litigation in multiple countries.  I'm sure, however, that there will be a way found around this if one isn't already waiting in the wings.  One cannot blame Nintendo though since they are trying to protect their investment just like any other company.  Its the same reason you can't bring your own meal into a restaurant. Honestly, anyone who screams "freedom" and "censorship" about this is a whiny brat who really doesn't want to pay for games.

R4 Cards Now Illegal in UK (Game Politics)


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    14 years, 4 months ago

    I hate people who use R4s. Is it really that hard to spend $30 on a game?

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    14 years, 4 months ago

    I think this was the right move for Nintendo, and a good strike against video game piracy. People either need to get jobs or spend their money wisely over video game purchases. I'm voided from both of these, sadly.

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    14 years, 4 months ago

    im kind of on the side for it just in the sense that a person should be able to do what they want with their tech but on the legal side, well the case is won in nintendo's favor so ya, not much can be done, but they will find other ways around it. pirating will always exist, this is just another bump in the road sadly.

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    14 years, 4 months ago

    I didn't know you could pirate games before I found out what a torrent was. I never pirated a game but honestly why would you? "Oh why buy games when you could get them for free?" but then if you end up liking the game and everyone else also pirated that game, then guess what no sequel for you to pirate!

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    14 years, 4 months ago

    Its a shame people pirate game from this Gen (i can except people pirating SNEs and NES games) but it really does break my heart that people will pirate a game like Dragon quest 9 when it was just released... sadly peiple will do this because they can and ignore the suppport for the gaming companythinking that there one download wont effect there choice... even thoug about 50% of the world are probably doing the sa,e thing.

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    14 years, 4 months ago

    I do feel that this is a good step in getting people to pay for their games. Living in the uk myself though I cant really say these cards are that widely used, and most of the people who would use them already own the cards. But there are so many other ways these people can pirate games I think it will make little difference.

    I wait for the day they start selling them black market. Meeting up in a dark car park at night, A slightly geeky looking kid in an overcoat passes you an package. Police arrive on the scene both of them run, but due to the lack of exercise soon get out of breath and arrested.

    Sorry sorta went off topic for a bit.

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    14 years, 4 months ago

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    14 years, 4 months ago

    Oh how the Banned in Britain meme is appropriate right now.

    2013: Video Games now banned in UK

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    14 years, 4 months ago

    This won't stop piracy. The majority of people who are savvy enough to pirate will always find ways around these type of things. All this legislation will accomplish is giving the anti-pirate crowd a handjob and more of a reason to go around labelling those who do as "criminals".

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    14 years, 4 months ago

    I haven't even heard of an R4 until today. So much for me being in loop of the gaming word. :P

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    14 years, 4 months ago

    Everyone's saying that these pirate games are bad because they don't support the developer, but couldn't the same be said of rentals?

    I go into a shop, rent out the latest release for £6, and play it all the way through, then someone else rents out the same copy and brings it bac etc. Now, who gets this money? The store, rentals don't support the developer either, but they are completely legal, it's wierd.

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    14 years, 4 months ago

    It's illegal yeah but,
    legality isn't really a factor, people WILL find ways to get them.

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    Stabby McKill
    14 years, 4 months ago

    This is a measure against piracy I respect.
    For anyone complaining, get over it.
    This is a measure which doesn't punish the legitimate consumer, there is nothing to complain about.