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E3 is a wonderfully intoxicating thing, especially for the gaming workaholic. Honestly I missed it the moment I boarded the plane to fly home. Its not all cherries and bubbles however. Sometimes things don't always go as planned, and unfortunately sometimes they do. So here is a partial list (meaning what came to my mind first as I drank my third Rum and Coke) of the 5 most cringe inducing moments of E3 2010.
1. Wii failure during Miyamoto Zelda Presentation.
Everyone knew Zelda was least we wished with all of our being that would be the case. Imagine our joy when the little Zelda Goblin of happiness, Miyamoto, appeared before our very eyes. What followed was actually two cringe inducing moments. One followed by vanquishment and then another, the second a long arduous slog which felt like marching through a swamp while wearing shoes made of iron. It was a roller coaster of emotion, of victory and defeat, and only the glowing fairy like eyes and mischievous smile of Miyamoto himself was able to get us through the mire.
At first he appeared like a dancing glyph on the screen. A well made Zelda sword and shield in his hand. As he waxed poetic about wanting the player to feel like they were actually using a sword and shield I looked at Nick Henderson with fear tearing through my eyes. At the time I was convinced...nay I was CERTAIN...that Nintendo was going to release a realistic sword and shield peripheral. The fear coursed through me for two reasons. The first because of the inanity of it, the sheer silliness to do something so blatantly obnoxious. The second, because I knew that I would be the first one on line to purchase and then wield such plastic tools of imaginary destruction. Oh what a nerd I would be then as I cut through the air! Plastic bending with each stroke as I became a mighty warrior in my underwear! Or I would....if I wore underwear. ;-) (That would be a slightly sexual yet creepy Internet wink for those who are not ghetto-ASCII developed.)
But that fear was obliterated once the sword and shield, through the power of CINEMA, was changed to a Wii remote and nunchuck. Miyamoto continued the presentation...the gameplay portion began...and things quickly went downhill.
Maybe it was the distance of himself to the Wii. Perhaps it was 800 people trying to tweet, blog, call, text at the same time...but the Wii tracking was failing, and failing hard. As he tried to show off game mechanics the Wii had other things in mind. Things like "shoot arrows either straight into the sky or down into the ground" or "lets make that flying beetle go fucking nuts!" We all knew that the game mechanics were well thought out and solid, but knowing that such problems would be encountered during a first look at new ZELDA GAMEPLAY made it feel like our hearts were being dissolved slowly by our stomachs.
Miyamoto kept his cool. He has no other choice since its part of his genetic makeup to spread joy wherever he goes. In case you don't know, seeing Miyamoto in motion will fill you with enough joy to kill most forms of cancer and cause most type of orgasm. That is a fact.
2. PC Gaming Booths
E3 is a very busy place. The main booths are crammed with people like a slave ship. But in the back of the convention hall, past the booth babes and the big names, are the games of yesteryear. The PC only gaming booths. They slither in the shadows of the convention, only lightly visited, like that grandmother who smelled too funny to keep home anymore so was sent to the old persons home. You used to visit every weekend. But no more. No more.'re just busy.
They are mostly no-name MMORPG's trying desperately so suckle off some of that fine World of Warcraft nectar. You see them this won't see them next. You have to have a certain amount of sympathy for these hero's of the past. PC gaming was once a mecca. But as time has moved on we've all seen the isles of the gaming stores slowly change. Shelf after shelf of PC games became smaller and smaller as console games encroached slowly, yet steadily, on their territory. Now, PC games are lucky to get one shelf in your favorite store. And admit stopped looking long ago didn't you.
But they have heart. Like the fat boy who tries to make the team, the PC gaming booths give their all until they are left panting and vomiting behind the bleachers. Far away from the prying eyes of onlookers.
Shed a tear for them...and remember them. Without them...we would not be here.
3. The Kinect World Premier Event
What can I say? Everything I can say about this event I said here. Other than that I mentioned here that Microsoft was about to have their Giant Enemy Crab moment. I would like to take this moment to gloat that I was right.
I was right.
In fact, Microsoft did not just have a Giant Enemy Crab moment, they had a Giant Enemy KRAKEN moment. And that Kraken has a huge dick which fucked each and every person who was witnessing it in the ass. Are you happy gaming media? We've all been fucked in the ass by a Kraken.
4. Sim's Head Diamonds.
E3 is supposed to be a Media event, but really anyone can get in if they are willing to do a little work or fork out some dough. You can pick out these people in two ways. Either they are wearing little "exhibit only" tags, or they have these stupid fucking The Sims diamonds over their heads. E3, and gaming journalism, is SERIOUS BUSINSS so the amount of cosplaying is usually set to a bare minimum. That only allowed these people to stand out even more.
Not that I'm against the inspired cosplay. In fact, if a female is fit enough to pull it off then I REQUIRE her to cosplay as much as possible. However at an event like E3 it just feels wrong. There I am with a button down shirt on so that Doug Lombardi doesn't think I'm an asshole while he talks to me about Portal 2 and right behind me is someone wearing red wolf ears. Really? Save that shit for PAX. And speaking of which....Ill be at PAX this year. Fit girls who cosplay? Call me.
5. The E3 Media Room
4Player Podcast is really still a start up venture. We admit it. As we go along we rend and claw our way through the well formed turbines of gaming industry to bring you content. I'm not sure how aware people are of how much we sneak into, outright lie, and wear out people in order to get into the places we do. Even at E3.
The invite to E3 is only the first part. Then you have to try to get into the things that are at the place that you tried to get into. That does make it again. We don't get called, people would rather NOT talk to we have to make them. We actually did get an invite to the Nintendo press conference, so we are making headway. Other than that...its all ninja shit that gets you the content we try to provide, and so far we are extremely successful at it.
However the one place we are designated to is the public E3 Media Room. People like IGN and Joystiq have their own little swanky cubicle areas, their own WiFi and all sorts of other pleasantries. We have the E3 Media Room.
The room itself is fitted with about 6 couches, some tables, many outlets and unsecured WiFi. Which means that every person who is standing within 100ft of the room can also access the WiFi. Getting a small article up during the show takes at least 30 minutes. 15 of which are spent reloading the connection.
Sometimes there is coffee but this is ravaged like an altar boy at a Catholic retreat. The table quickly becomes a mess of beans, dried coffee, torn and overturned cups. Its a horrific thing to see. On the last day a woman came in with a cardboard box of cliff bars with the announcement "Does anyone want Cliff bars?" The scene which unfolded before me was akin to food relief in starving areas of the third world. I still have nightmares of sludgy "gaming media" plowing over each other, jostling for position to taste the sweet flavor of whatever gruel was put in front of them. I will never be the same.
The flesh...the awful, putrid flesh.
14 years, 7 months ago
What, no Konami Press conference? I was expecting that to be number one.
14 years, 7 months ago
Just looking at that picture of miyamoto brings my spirits up :)
14 years, 7 months ago
Yeah, those all were pretty cringe-inducing, but unlike the others, you can't stay mad at Nintendo or Miyamoto for the faulty setup. You can tell they were trying their hardest. The rest of these are just...UGH.
14 years, 7 months ago
"PC gaming was once a mecha."
Think you mean "PC gaming was once a Mecca," unless that's some meme I'm not aware of.
14 years, 7 months ago
While I didn't get to see it for myself (working on possibly slipping under the radar for next year), the first thing I did when I saw the Sims diamond picture was cringe a cringe so powerful I thought the diamond itself would bore into the base of that poor guy's skull. I also haven't seen anything from the media room, but if both of these things made it on past Ubisoft's laser tag toy (which is still a shooter) then they must have been pretty bad.
Great read. Keep up the good work Joseph.
14 years, 7 months ago
musta felt pretty cool getting invited to Nintendo's press conference!
14 years, 7 months ago
If I saw a Sim diamond guy, I would have had troubles resisting the urge to lock him in a room with a campfire or throw him into a pool with no ladders.
14 years, 7 months ago
Lol, Joseph. Some small companies already make plastic dagger-like peripherals for Wii remotes. Along with little tennis racquet peripherals, baseball bat peripherals, and etc. It's pretty ridiculous.
I'm glad Miyamoto stayed happy and positive when the unfortunate event of the Wii Motion+ failing happened. If he hadn't of stayed that way, the whole thing would have been even worse.
14 years, 7 months ago
The only reason I don't visit the PC shelf at stores anymore is because the only games they have are Sims and Tycoon games. Steam killed the video game shelf.
14 years, 7 months ago
Oh PC... I weep manly tears for you. =(
14 years, 7 months ago
It was an interesting little read. it was put together very well. It's a shame PC gaming is going down hill.
14 years, 7 months ago
Great read, I guess like all things E3 is jam packed with the good (nintendo press conference), the bad (Kinect/Cirque du soleil debacle), and evidently the ugly (fucking hideous sim head diamonds)
14 years, 7 months ago
Just looking at that picture of miyamoto brings my spirits up!
14 years, 7 months ago
Good sir I am a proud PC Gamer and I feel that certain companies place their PC community higher then others, such as Valve (I dont care what that fat ass said at the Sony presentation he knows he is loyal to the PCers), DICE, Small Indie developers, And at one time Rockstar. F*ck you Rockstar, how the hell are you not giving us even a port of RDR, f*ck you...
14 years, 7 months ago
Great read. Love reading your articles here, Joseph. I always get a couple of schoolgirls giggles out of it. Keep it up!
14 years, 7 months ago
Hahah. I forgot how much I enjoyed your writing style, Joseph. You crazy witty bastard and your lists.
14 years, 7 months ago
As a former long-time proud owner of a ZX Sinclair Spectrum 128k, who got laughed at by his richer PC-owning school colleagues, I shall offer nothing for the lonely PC booths but a heartly Nelson "HA-ha!"
14 years, 7 months ago
Ya I think the reason why there isn't any big PC gaming at E3 is because all the big ones have their own conventions, like Blizzard, and/or how some of the games shown are multi-platform so they just show it on a console, most of Ubisoft's games, Valve, etc. But when I think about it, E3 is really about the big names in consoles.
14 years, 7 months ago
Ahh... poor PC, how I miss your once noble stature.
14 years, 7 months ago
[...] from the chaff as I proclaim my choices for the best and worst of E3 2010!Yes I know I’ve already written an article describing the most cringe inducing moments of the show, but really here we’re going to take a [...]
14 years, 7 months ago
E3 was filled with a lot of cringe worthy moments but i have to agree with Joseph especially with the lack of love for PC gaming