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E3 2014: ABZU Wants to Take You On an Underwater Journey
ABZÛ's breathtaking trailer gave us a glimpse of what's to come from the mind of Matt Nava, former art director of Flower and Journey, and his recently formed studio, Giant Squid. Journey composer Austin Wintory will also be providing his talents to the game.
Published by Charles Visessmith on June 12, 2014
E3 2014: Help Abraham Lincoln Kill Aliens in Code Name: STEAM
Nintendo has unveiled some details on the eagerly awaited "new 3DS game" now known to be officially titled Code Name: STEAM. The "STEAM" acronym stands for "Strike Team Eliminating the Alien Menace", implying that the aim of this game will have something to do with taking on some exterrestrial ba...
Published by Josh Britton on June 12, 2014
E3 2014: The Hiding Elephant Show
After another long day on the show floor, we have a ton to talk about. While Dead Rising 2 and Homefront Revolution both underwhelmed, games like Alien Isolation, Batman, and the Witcher 3 blew us away.
Published by Nick Henderson on June 12, 2014
E3 2014: Dead Rising 3's PC Version "Optimized" For 30 FPS
Capcom doesn't have much on display at this year's E3, but one thing that did manage to get the attention of Capcom fans was news of a long awaited Dead Rising 3 port to the PC. This was exciting due to the potential of having a Dead Rising 3 experience that would run at a comfortably smooth fram...
Published by Josh Britton on June 12, 2014
E3 2014: The "What is the Division?" Show
Nintendo surprised everyone by managing to create some positive buzz despite having no press conference. We're talking new Yoshi, New Zelda, New Star Fox, and more! Long time community member, ChaiTai (Tim) joins us at the table to thrown down some thoughts on the new Super Smasth Bros as well. A...
Published by Nick Henderson on June 11, 2014
E3 2014: Final Fantasy Type-0 HD and Agito Announced for the West
Please be excited! Square Enix surprised us today by announcing the western releases of Final Fantasy Type-0 HD and Final Fantasy Agito. Final Fantasy Type-0 was previously only released in Japan for the PSP on October 27, 2011. It's taken a long time and a lot of fan demand to convince Square to...
Published by Charles Visessmith on June 11, 2014
E3 2014: Shigeru Miyamoto Introduces Star Fox for the Wii U
Star Fox is an IP that Nintendo fans are holding their breath for. With a signifigant lack of console titles last generation, fans feel entitled to see a proper follow up to the bombshell that Star Fox 64 was to the gaming world all those years ago. With Nintendo's HD reinvention consuming many o...
Published by Josh Britton on June 10, 2014
E3 2014: Nintendo's New IP is Splatoon
Yup, you read that right, a new IP from Nintendo. Splatoon is a colorful third-person, 4vs4, multiplayer shooter with a bit of a twist. You'll be spraying your opponents with ink instead of bullets. In fact, you'll be spray everything with ink. The premise behind Splatoon is off the wall but simp...
Published by Charles Visessmith on June 10, 2014