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Why You Should Totally Play Life is Strange
A couple of weeks ago, I was sitting at my computer listening to that week's episode of the podcast (Link). Brad started talking about his love/hate relationship with Life is Strange, and with Brad's more negative comments, Nick saying he wants to skip it, and the fifth episode, "Polarized", comi...
Published by Ed Mitchell on Oct. 20, 2015
Podcast 429: The Zip-Whip-Pee Show
If you have any questions about the quality of Transformers: Devastation, we got you covered this week. Nolan also discusses the moral ambiguities of space piracy in Rebel Galaxy and we finally have a chance to delve into Metal Gear Solid V Online. Also, buckle up for one of the most ridiculous t...
Published by Nick Henderson on Oct. 15, 2015
Podcast 428 - The E.Y.E.S. Show
We go way back in this week's episode to discuss some hidden gems of generations past including Enslaved: Odyssey of the West and a variety of Tactical games like Ring of Red and Advanced Wars. Early impressions of Rainbow Six Siege (beta) are discussed and the news is packed this week with a new...
Published by Nick Henderson on Oct. 8, 2015
Podcast 427 - The Little Housewives Show
This week, we delve deep into the weird world of watching television in the Simon's household... On the video game front, Nick tries desperately to share his opinion on SOMA while speaking in generalities so as not to spoil the game's more interesting aspects. We revisit the Witcher 3 in an unexp...
Published by Nick Henderson on Oct. 1, 2015
Podcast 426 - This Show is NOT a Comedy
Jack joins the crew this week to discuss the "joys" of PC gaming, the state of open world game design, and the madness that is Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater! The great Mad Max debate continues and Brad falls in love with a charming little RPG called 'Undertale'. Krispy also weighs in on his fe...
Published by Nick Henderson on Sept. 24, 2015
Podcast 425 - The Stealth Durian Show
The 2015 gaming hurricane continues as we delve even deeper into the glory of Metal Gear Solid V. We also go back to the series roots and briefly discuss The Twin Snakes following Nolan and Krispy's mini Project M this past weekend. Nick and Kris debate the merit of Mad Max and Nolan dishes out s...
Published by Nick Henderson on Sept. 17, 2015
Improved Patreon Tiers Bring Back the Revival Club and More!
Since we launched our Patreon campaign at the beginning of 2015, we have been blown away by the support shown by the community! With that said, the appeal of Patreon has always been the fluidity of the service so we were bound to learn a lot and ultimately update the campaign at some point and it...
Published by Nick Henderson on Sept. 16, 2015
Join Us this Weekend for a Rainbow Six Siege Beta Code Giveaway and Community Night!
Join Nick, Chris, and Ed on Saturday for a night of Rainbow Six Vegas (Terrorist Hunt) and you could even snag yourself a beta code for Rainbow Six Siege! That means you will be officially able to play Rainbow Six Siege starting on September 24th on the platform of your choosing!
Published by Nick Henderson on Sept. 11, 2015