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Anomaly Warzone Earth is Now On XBLA
Anomaly Warzone Earth, a critically acclaimed iOS game developed by 11 bit studios, is now available on XBLA.
Published by Joseph Christ on April 6, 2012
4PP 265: The Swimming Oil Show
A new player has entered the arena! Kris joins the crew this week to continue the discussions around Mass Effect 3 and Journey. Brad expresses his opinions on the upcoming RPG, Xenoblade Chronicles, a game that is reinvigorating the western interest in JRPGs. The first segment features Kid Icarus...
Published by 4Player Podcast on April 6, 2012
Published by J52 on April 5, 2012
MPAA CEO Chris Dodd Believes SOPA is Coming Back
Winning is luscious, especially defeating something as big as The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). But if you caught yourself taking a deep sigh of relief, and beginning to drink the sweet nectar of victory when the bill was tabled amid huge internet driven outcry, you may want to think again. SOPA...
Published by Joseph Christ on April 5, 2012
Amazon Spring PC Sale Wants Your Money. NOW.
It's not too often that I post about a sale going on but this is an exceptional case.  With the country (well, most of it) coming into warmer weather Amazon felt that the need to go outside was something you simply shouldn't do.  As such, they are running a PC game sale starting today through Apr...
Published by Chris Davis on April 5, 2012
Assassin's Creeds Creative Director Hates Your Setting Ideas
When Assassin's Creed: Revelations released something started to happen. Fans of the series, even the loyal ones, began to tire of the almost indistinguishable settings and began taking to the internet to theorize, or perhaps dream longingly, of where the next game -the true sequel- should take p...
Published by Joseph Christ on April 5, 2012
Official PAX East Meet Up Details [UPDATED]
Alright, so I think we got this worked out. We're about 90% sure we'll have it at Salvatore's. It's located within walking distance to the Convention Center and hopefully we've worked it out where there won't be a cover charge or a minimum.
Published by David Liao on April 5, 2012
Bioware Announces Extended Cut Ending DLC for Mass Effect 3
Nearly a month's worthy of controversy has consumed the gaming community over the wonderful game that is Mass Effect 3.  Last week Bioware promised an update and announcements regarding the game would be made about the game, specifically the ending, at PAX East this weekend.  It seems that the PR...
Published by Chris Davis on April 5, 2012