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Clip of the Day: Joseph Christ: Professor of Art History
Joseph describes the significance of a mural in The Beast Within: A Gabriel Knight Mystery.
Published by J52 on April 12, 2012
Here is Your Max Payne 3 Bullet Time Demonstration
It's the lifeblood of the series. The frosting on the cake. That one shot sneaked in right before last call. For Max Payne, bullet time is the signature of its greatest offerings to video games as a hole. So Max Payne 3 better get it right, correct?
Published by Joseph Christ on April 12, 2012
Bethesda Adding Kinect Voice Commands to Skyrim
A couple months back you may remember Bethesda Game Studios head Todd Howard showed off a video at GDC depicting what the team behind the latest entry into the Elder Scrolls franchise could do if given just a week to themselves without deadlines or anything in their way.  Many of the features wer...
Published by Chris Davis on April 12, 2012
DT082 - Blizzard in DQ & LP3
Brad & David have a sit down to talk about a bunch of stuff from Captivate, including Lost Planet 3, Resident Evil 6, Dragon's Dogma. Also a discussion about the future of Nintendo and Capcom.
Published by David Liao on April 11, 2012
Published by J52 on April 11, 2012
PAX East 2012: The Final Impressions
Bob, David and Ben share impressions of a few games that weren't previously discussed.
Published by 4Player Podcast on April 10, 2012
PAX East 2012: Community Podcast
We are joined by some of our community members to discuss their experience at PAX East 2012. Topics include a few games from the show floor, the Gearbox panel (Borderlands 2, Aliens: Colonial Marines), BioWare's Mass Effect 3 panel and more.
Published by 4Player Podcast on April 10, 2012
Remembering...Operation Wolf
Early memories can be illusive things. As time wears on, the perpetual grinding of the clocks' gears tends to erode into the fabric of what once was, and the lines between what is real and what is dream can often meld into an undefinable gel. But then there are the keystones, the zeniths of memor...
Published by Joseph Christ on April 10, 2012