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How About A New Hitman Absolution Trailer?
There's plenty to be debated about the next entry in the Hitman universe and while I'm optimistic about the new title retaining many of its original qualities while adding new story-based elements, Brad, Nick and several others are decidedly against this new vision based on what's been revealed s...
Published by Chris Davis on May 2, 2012
Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Is Official, Has Gone Sci Fi
I was wrong.  Just plain wrong.  Several weeks out of the gate with Modern Warfare 3 I was all but convinced I knew what the plot of the sequel to Black Ops was going to be: a tale in the 1970s that would follow game stars Mason, Hudson and Weaver being hunted by the CIA and MI-6 as detailed in a...
Published by Chris Davis on May 1, 2012
Skyrim: Dawnguard DLC Announced for Summer, Details Coming at E3
As was suggested yesterday on Bethesda's Twitter account, the developer announced today that Skyrim's first DLC expansion, dubbed 'Dawnguard' is coming this Summer.  While details are scare at this point, Bethesda's blog post announcing the expansion points toward an E3 2012 debut.  The content s...
Published by Chris Davis on May 1, 2012
Skyrim Kinect Voice Command Patch Now Available in English
Bethesda may be a bit slow to announce proper downloadable content for their epic open-world game but they have well made up for it with free gameplay updates that add new ways to play.  From the Skyrim Creation Kit to new killcams, everything that's been added has made the game just that much mo...
Published by Chris Davis on May 1, 2012
Audible Impressions: Xenoblade Chronicles Vol.1
Brad, Tim and Ben discuss Xenoblade Chronicles, a Japanese RPG developed by Monolith Soft. They also take some diversions into RPGs at large, game reviews, and touch on other games.
Published by 4Player Podcast on May 1, 2012
Clip of the Day: Man with the Dog Whistle Voice
Brad riles up his dogs with his voice-acting while playing Lone Survivor.
Published by J52 on April 30, 2012
Community Night: Tribes Ascend Edition
I will be hosting a Community night tonight starting at 8pm CST. It will probably consist mostly of Tribes Ascend on PC, so if you've got it be sure to stop by! Otherwise there may be some L4D2, TF2, Killing Floor, or any other random multiplayer PC titles I have piled up in Steam.
Published by Patricia Santana on April 30, 2012
New Dishonored Screens Hit
Bethesda has released new screens today showing off some environments and some first-person visuals from their upcoming assassin game Dishonored.
Published by Joseph Christ on April 30, 2012