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Published by Joseph Christ on June 11, 2012
Watch Dogs Gameplay Video Is Looking Seriously Next Gen
I'm pretty much convinced at this point that Unisoft's Watch Dogs is going to be an early next gen game. Some of these outdoor visuals are just too good, and it's simply too early in the games development for it to be considered for anything but. Last night on Cocktail Time we discussed the possi...
Published by Joseph Christ on June 11, 2012
E3 2012: Star Wars 1313 is Pretty… Pretty Early That Is
In our hand-off theater demonstration of the freshly announced Star Wars 1313, one thing was said that surprised me and saddened me at the same time:
Published by Nick Henderson on June 10, 2012
E3 2012: 'Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance', Cutting Has Never Been So Fun
When the doors swung open on the first day of E3 a few of us only had one thing on our minds. Barely flashing our badges to the doorman we made a beeline directly to the Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance booth in the hope of being the first in what would later be a very long line.
Published by Joseph Christ on June 8, 2012
E3 2012: Watch Dogs and Our Single-player Connected Lives
I look closely at the markings scribbled on the cobblestone at my feet. They read “goblin ambush ahead”. I clench my shield tight and slowly head into the darkness.
Published by Brad Simons on June 8, 2012
Published by Joseph Christ on June 8, 2012
E3 2012: Why Hide the Open Worlds?
E3 is the place where publishers and developers jostle and gyrate against each other in an attempt to show off their most precious of bits. The best they can possibly muster, the bathing-suit-area of their most recent creations. So what happens when those bits are hidden behind yards of sackcloth...
Published by Joseph Christ on June 7, 2012
E3 2012: Deadlight Hands-on
Do you feel that brightness starting to crisp up your back? If you do it can only mean one thing, the Xbox Live Summer of Arcade is starting to bear down. This E3 I was able to get my hands on a hearty playthrough of Tequila Work's Deadlight, a zombie survival platformer that's been on my radar f...
Published by Joseph Christ on June 7, 2012