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Review: XCOM: Enemy Unknown
I'll admit, I feared for the XCOM series when news struck that Firaxis was leading the charge to reboot the cult-classic, turn-based strategy game. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy nearly everything this team has done with Sid Meier at the helm but...Sid Meier isn't on this one. Firaxis has done, for...
Published by Jeffrey Demelo on Oct. 12, 2012
Square Enix Casts Pheonix Down; Final Fantasy XIV Will Try Again in 2013
I have a tendency to love the idea of Massive Multiplayer RPG's right up until the point where I start to play them. The monotony of the mission structure and the less than stellar plot progression is more than enough to quell my enthusiasm. The build up to release though sometimes snags my atten...
Published by Nick Henderson on Oct. 11, 2012
PETA Releases Pokemon Black and Blue
I remember the innocent days of childhood, sitting in the backseat of my parent's hatchback with a Nintendo Game Boy and a copy of Pokemon Red. Oh the innocence of those days. I didn't know... I couldn't know... the horror I was visiting. How could I have known that the heartless battling of grou...
Published by Tara Roth on Oct. 11, 2012
Ratchet: Deadlocked To Be Released...At Some Point
Insomniac announced during their 10th anniversary panel at PAX Prime that the Ratchet and Clank Collection line-up shall be finalized with the 2005 PS2 title Ratchet: Deadlocked to be released on the PSN “sometime by the end of the year.” While Deadlocked is arguably the worst of the series, once...
Published by Tara Roth on Oct. 11, 2012
Published by Joseph Christ on Oct. 11, 2012
Windows 8 Doesn't Think the British Should Play Mature Games
Are you looking forward to the next iteration of Windows? Do you love playing mature games? Are you British?
Published by Chris Davis on Oct. 11, 2012