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Our Holiday Gift to You: Letters to Nolan
Seasons greetings to you all, my dear readers and viewers! It's a time of giving and we felt that YOU guys deserve a present, something to show our appreciation for your continued support this past year. In keeping with our tradition of being open about our feelings and sharing our thoughts amo...
Published by Chris Davis on Dec. 22, 2013
Hide Your Wallets, the Steam Holiday Sale is Here
Once again, it has begun.
Published by Zack Wheat on Dec. 19, 2013
Counterpoint: Lightning Returns Could Be the Final Nail in Final Fantasy XIII’s Coffin
Before I start, I highly recommend reading Nick’s really great piece here.
Published by Zack Wheat on Dec. 19, 2013
Could 'Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII' End the Series on a Positive Note?
Final Fantasy XIII has long been considered the black sheep of modern Final Fantasy titles. It promised so much and delivered what was essentially a linear RPG with a slew of annoying characters, and one of the most convoluted plots in the series' recent history. It is a game that I pushed throug...
Published by Nick Henderson on Dec. 19, 2013
4PP 344: The "Ravaged by Raptors" Show
This is the final podcast of 2013! We will return in 2014 with our preview show and 2013 award show! In the meantime, we finish the year off with some Fallout 4 discussion and a "Dinosaur Erotica" book that was gifted to Nick by one of our very own community members. Go home podcast. You're drunk...
Published by 4Player Podcast on Dec. 19, 2013
Published by Chris Davis on Dec. 16, 2013
Subscriber News Roundup for December 2013
Hey everyone. Subscriber Night was a rousing success as I think I convinced a couple of our staff that Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines is a must play. We also gave away several copies of Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons thanks to community member Meltdown. Our new Subscriber of the Month for Decem...
Published by Brad Simons on Dec. 14, 2013
Review: Battlefield 4
With the Fall release season comes our annual allotment of modern military shooters trying to thrill us with rollercoaster singleplayer campaigns and multiplayer suites with tons of DLC on the way. And, like any Fall season, it’s the usual suspects. Activision’s multi-studio, cyclical juggernau...
Published by Chris Davis on Dec. 13, 2013