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First Trailer of Turtle Rock's Evolve is Totally Danzig
Turtle Rock Studios is a much beloved, if not much talked about, developer.  This team has been around for a little more than a decade but their works have had a big impact on the PC gaming community.  During their time under Valve's control they created much of the CounterStrike content you know...
Published by Chris Davis on Feb. 11, 2014
Top 10 4Player Highlights Survey is Live!
Click for details about our highlight survey assembled by you, the fans!
Published by Chris Davis on Feb. 7, 2014
Trailer Talk Episode 54 (Again)- Sonic's Dirty Boobs
First up this week is a trailer for Murdered: Soul Suspect, a game where you solve a ghost! Certainly an odd concept, but a ghostly protagonist could lead to interesting gameplay mechanics. After that is a trailer for a Lara Croft outfit in Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy 13 because,...
Published by Frank Hartnett on Feb. 7, 2014
Stream Journal: Moving to the Music
Let me tell you about a game called Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians, the game I chose to play on the feed last Tuesday. In Beatbuddy, you play as a small blue...err...thing, and swim your way through a series of 2D underwater levels. There's some combat and the occasional bit of puzzle solving, ...
Published by George Denison on Feb. 7, 2014
Stream Journal: Moogle Murder! Kupo!
I am enjoying Final Fantasy XIII-2. There. I said it. The Final Fantasy XIII series thus far has proven to be one of the most convoluted games in the franchises's long history. Final Fantasy XIII was a completely different approach to world design and story progression for the series and for the ...
Published by Nick Henderson on Feb. 6, 2014
The Guy Who Wrote Resident Evil’s Music Didn’t Write Resident Evil’s Music
Mamoru Samuragochi, composer of music from Resident Evil and Onimusha, is deaf. This has been known for some time, and the man was hailed in Japan as a modern-day Beethoven thanks to the strength of this works despite his condition. News has come out, however, that he… didn’t actually write a lot...
Published by Zack Wheat on Feb. 5, 2014
4PP 349: The "Thunder Rolls" Show
It's Octodad week! Brad shares his thoughts on this goofy indie title in preparation for New Release Tuesday. We also discuss last weeks release of Broken Age, the Kickstarted Double Fine adventure game. There is potentially troubling news (depending on how you look at it) regarding the forthcomi...
Published by Nick Henderson on Feb. 5, 2014
GOTY 2013: The 4Player Community's Top 10 List
This is it! Your picks for the top 10 games of 2013! Enjoy!
Published by Chris Davis on Feb. 2, 2014