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We have good news and bad news. The good news is that Krafton swooped in and SAVED Tango Gameworks from closure AND acquired the rights to Hi-Fi Rush so a sequel is all but confirmed. The bad news is that Gamescom kicked off with a rather disappointing Opening Night Live AND Silksong remains as elusive as ever. Regardless, there are some announcements that caught our attention such as Dying Light: The Beast, Blur's new anthology tv series for Amazon Prime called Secret Level, and the reveal of Mafia: The Old Country. After we discuss the highlights (and lowlights) of the show, Brad gives his thoughts on Steamworld Heist 2 and Thrasher!
This Week's Discussion Topics:
News - Highlights from Gamescom ONL (16:20)
Impressions - Steamworld Heist 2 (50:35)
Impressions - Thrasher (59:45)
4Player Minute (1:19:30)
and more...
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