
The bad news keeps on comin. This week, Bungie was hit with a significant round of layoffs and even an internal project cancellation which has called the future of Destiny and the studio into question. Not to be outdone, Gamestop suddenly and unexpectedly shut down Game Informer magazine; A shocking turn of events for a company that has relied on the publication to prop up their business for many years. On a less depressing note, Brad talks about World of Goo 2 which, despite the long gap between releases, manages to end up just as great and just as flawed as it's predecessor. Chris turned off his brain to play Earth Defense Force 6 and Brad did something similar with a hilarious little game called Thank Goodness You're Here.

This Week's Discussion Topics:

News - Bungie hit with layoffs / cancellations (8:25)
News - Gamestop abruptly shuts down Game Informer (18:00)
Impressions - World of Goo 2 (25:55)
Impressions - Earth Defense Force 6 (43:20)
Impressions - Thank Goodness You're Here (56:55)
Impressions - CONSCRIPT (1:13:00)
4Player Minute (1:21:30)
and more...

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