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It's release week for Deadpool & Wolverine and Comic-Con so movie-talk does manage to worm it's way in at the top of the show! After that, Nick talks about a delicious new survival-horror game, CONSCRIPT, which captures the overwhelmingly bleak backdrop of World War 1 through a top-down Resident Evil lens. Brad takes a deeper dive into Arranger: A Role-Puzzling Adventure now that the full game is out (and FREE on Netflix apparently!) and Krispy talks about his time with Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail which has hit a proverbial reset button on the story with this latest expansion. Sony dropped the price of the PSVR2 finally and Chris Davis revisits Pacific Drive and talks late game developments.
This Week's Discussion Topics:
Impressions - CONSCRIPT (17:05)
Impressions - Arranger: A Role-Puzzling Adventure (31:50)
Impressions - Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail (51:20)
News - Sony drops the price of the PSVR2 dramatically (1:09:07)
Impressions - Pacific Drive (1:13:04)
4Player Minute (1:28:10)
and more...
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