
We took a week off of podcasting but dipped our toes into the wild world of Content Warning and the results were hilarious to say the least! Chris Davis revisits Shadows of Doubt now that it is approaching its 1.0 release later this year; It's an interesting discussion that delves into the strengths and weaknesses of making games using procedural generation. Brad talks about Inkbound, the next game from the creators of Monster Train and of course, we spend a little more time with Dragon's Dogma II. During the Fantasy Critic and 4Player Minute segments, we talk a little about the recent news regarding Star Wars Outlaws, Assassin's Creed codename Red, and impressions of the new Fallout TV show on Amazon Prime.

This Week's Discussion Topics:

Housekeeping (2:30)
Impressions - Content Warning (8:35)
Impressions - Shadows of Doubt (24:35)
Impressions - Dragon's Dogma II (51:00)
Impressions - Inkbound (1:01:20)
Fantasy Critic Updates (1:35:35)
4Player Minute (1:48:00)
and more...

Link Dump:

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