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Despite the strong start to the year in terms of good game releases, it's been an overwhelmingly shitty week for the industry thanks to an abundance of layoffs and Embracer's continued reign of terror which has now led to the cancellation of a new Deus Ex game. We do our best to remain positive though amidst the chaos. In the first segment, we catch up on Fantasy Critic and talk predictions ahead of Sony's first big State of Play for 2024. In the second segment, Nick and Brad revel in the sheer quality of Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown and Brad takes us through his early impressions of Tekken 8.
This Week's Discussion Topics:
Predictions - State of Play for January 31, 2024 (14:10)
Headlines - Mass layoffs + Embracer's reign of terror leads to cancelled Deus Ex game (59:20)
Impressions - Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown (1:08:30)
Impressions - Tekken 8 (1:28:30)
4Player Minute (1:46:50)
and more...
Link Dump:
Nick's Top 10 Games of 2023
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