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This week, we have the pleasure of delving into TWO quality games that couldn't be more different! Brad looks back on his time with Super Marios Bros Wonder and applauds it's accomplishments while pondering it's place in 2D Mario history. In the 2nd segment, Nick and Chris Davis dive into Alan Wake 2; a long-awaited sequel that brought the best out of Remedy thanks to it's ambitious, open-ended design and it's dramatic pivot into the horror genre. Of course, it's not all rainbows and lollipops. We discuss Konami's baffling decision to lead the Silent Hill reboot with Silent Hill Ascension; a perplexing and somewhat embarrassing experiment that nobody asked for.
This Week's Discussion Topics:
Discussion - Silent Hill Ascension and the reboot of Silent Hill (22:56)
Impressions - Super Mario Bros Wonder - (33:50)
Impressions - Alan Wake II - (58:50)
4Player Minute - (1:34:44)
and more...
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