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It's a week full of noteworthy demos. In impressions we talk about our first hands-on impressions of the new Resident Evil 4 demo and our expectations for how the obvious changes will be applied across the full release. Brad also talks about the surprisingly charming demo of Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon. Before all that though, we deliver another Fantasy Critic update, run through the Naughty Dog heavy headlines for the week, and deliver some final thoughts on The Last of Us now that the first season has run it's course on HBO.
This Week's Discussion Topics:
The week in Gaming - Headline Roundup
Topic of the Week - A look back at 'The Last of Us' on HBO now that the season has ended
Impressions - Resident Evil 4 Remake (Demo)
Impressions - Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon
and more...
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Fantasy Files Reacts Podcast - The Last of Us Finale Discussion w/ Nick Henderson (Game & Show Spoilers!)
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