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Ed fills the 4th chair this week to talk about Death's Door, Nioh 2, and a beautiful indie boss-rush game called Eldest Souls! Nick and Nolan ponder the effectiveness of the long awaited 12 Minutes which is shaping up to be one of the most divisive games of the year thus far. Additionally, Nolan talks about his time with the Riders Republic beta, Nick and Chris hype up the Ghost of Tsushima Directors Cut and Iki Island DLC, and we break down the news from Gamescom including the bizarre roadmap for the release of Halo Infinite.
This Week's Discussion Topics:
Death's Door
Eldest Souls
Riders Republic
Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut | Iki Island DLC
Gamescom Opening Night Live News Roundup
and more...
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3 years, 4 months ago
Definitely give a shoutout to SlopDog for organizing all of the 4PP clips on YouTube, and creating playlists for each specific player. It's really awesome.
3 years, 4 months ago
Oh wow, thank you, DrunkenMerchant and thank you to everyone in the Discord chat for all their compliments! Had a lot of fun (and enjoyed some nostalgia) delving into the deep past, revisiting old clips and seeing the evolution of 4pp as a whole. Thank you to everyone on the podcast for all the (past, present, and future) memories and thank you to everyone in the 4pp community for all their kindness and conversation. Much love and luck.
3 years, 4 months ago
And thank you to Drunken Merchant, Taq, Beck, Shakusky, Mr. GreenTos, GreyFox, Chai, SelfTank, Pioshfd, and everyone that gave a shoutout on Discord.