
After taking a week off of podcasting to play Phasmophobia together, we finally have a chance to talk at length about what makes the game such a hit. Brad and Nick talk about the latest entry in The Dark Pictures anthology, Little Hope, and Nolan surprises us with an inspired indie survival game with adorable husky dogs called The Red Lantern. Nick also delivers his impressions of Watch Dogs Legion which doesn't revolutionize the genre but certainly takes a stab at some interesting mechanical ideas.

This Week's Discussion Topics:

The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope
Watch Dogs Legion
The Red Lantern
and more...

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    4 years, 1 month ago

    Can't say I'm surprised to hear that the Dark Pictures anthology game isn't crazy different, but I'm still eager to try it all the same. Happy to hear Watch Dogs sounds intriguing, despite missing that central protagonist it's always had so far.

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    4 years, 1 month ago

    Felt the anxiety in this episode, the looking at election numbers, the quiet optimism, turning to movies and games to distract yourself from getting too invested in the 24-hour news cycle. I was there too, staring at the numbers, waiting, reloading only to stare at slightly different numbers. On the verge of elation, tears, panic, all at once.

    That little bit of relief on Saturday was so, so sweet.