
With Y2K Month at an end, we finally have a chance to talk about some of the big games and announcements that took place in August. Nolan gives us the rundown on Fall Guys, Brad pimps Wasteland 3, and we take a closer look at an exciting indie title called Undermine! In the news, we share our thoughts on the Suicide Squad and Gotham Knights news plus the big announcements from Nintendo on Mario's 35th anniversary!

This Week's Discussion Topics:

Fall Guys
Wasteland 3
Gotham Knights Announcement
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Announcement
Mario's 35th Anniversary Announcements
and more...

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    4 years, 4 months ago

    2 fuck you's and 1 hype:
    My 1st fuck goes to Brad for trashing Sunshine. My 2nd fuck you goes Q Anon supporters, seriously your just as bad as anti vaxxers. My hype goes to Nolan and his modded Wii U. Fun fact a modded Wii U has the ability to play Gamecube games (assuming you have the controller adapter from smash bros).

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    4 years, 3 months ago

    Hearing Nick's traumatizing tale of the rat in his garage and the ways he attempted to deal with it was like watching a cartoon characters plans fall apart comically one after another, but ending in a dark twist (no pun intended). Quick note on the discussion of Gotham Knights, I share everyone's hypes, but also skepticism on the game. It looks fun, but I can't help but feel like the combat looks slightly clunky to me, but that may just be it being early footage. Look forward to finding out more though. As always, loved the episode, stay awesome everyone.

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    4 years, 3 months ago

    Seconding Thoraxe's sentiments about QAnon supporters. Fuck them and all their horseshit.

    On Mario 3-D All-Stars, damn if Nintendo knows exactly how fans will react to their false scarcity. One of the top selling games on Amazon now. But damn, I know I'm gonna be buying it too.