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Today is the debut of our first monthly video feature! This month, Nick sat down with Krispy, our resident film buff, to talk about 'Ghost of Tsushima' and how the team at Sucker Punch tried to pay homage to legendary filmmaker, Akira Kurosawa (Seven Samurai & Yojimbo)! If you have been curious how deep these influences run or just want to learn a little bit about one of the great directors in film, I think you will find this discussion illuminating.
Each month, we will work with pledges at the $10 Video Producer Tier to conceptualize a new video. With each video, we will work with these pledges to incorporate questions, opinions, and ideas (usually via Discord). As you can see, several of the questions that helped shape this discussion came straight from our producers! Concepts and execution will vary from month-to-month but it should be a fun way to produce new kinds of content between podcasts. Truth-be-told, this video is a bit longer than what we expect each video to be but it seemed fitting for our first video to be a long one! Let us know what you think in the comments!
Next Month: Getting in the Mood for Cyberpunk 2077
For more information about how to become an honorary video producer on future videos, please visit us at!