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It was a close race this month but the winner of the poll and the game we will be playing and discussing throughout July is Rockstars 'Bully!' It beat out some stiff competition and won with 31.6% of the vote. I am particularly excited about this choice because it has been on my backlog for ages!
I honestly have no idea what to expect as this game differs so dramatically from Rockstar's other projects in terms of it's subject matter. I'm sure this also led to some interesting departures on a mechanical or structural level as well but those are unknown to me so it should be really interesting. Bully has been a sore spot on my backlog for so long considering how much I adore Rockstar's other huge properties (Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead Redemption) but the time has finally come. To be honest, I have had my doubts about their ability to tell their style of story in this setting but I am eager to proven wrong.
This game may not be the first thing that comes to mind when people think of Rockstar but it has developed a pretty devoted following and for good reason. Perhaps more than any other game in their history, this game takes some serious risks and as a result, it stands out. I can't wait to see what this game is all about and to hopefully see a whole other side of Rockstar that I haven't seen before.
Nick will be concluding our time with 'Sleeping Dogs' next weekend with our usual podcast discussions so be sure to get your final thoughts, questions, etc in before then. In the meantime, the Discord channel for 'Bully' is available now and you can expect Nick to host the first 'Bully' stream as early as this Tuesday evening! Let's do this!
If you are interested in partaking in the discussions in Discord while you play, consider supporting us on Patreon or Twitch. We will also be looking for a community guest to join Nick for the podcast recording at the end of the month. Even if you aren't a paid supporter, we hope some of you are inspired to play along. If that's the case, at least let us know down in the comments!