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For the past few months, the 4Player Revival Club has been plugging away at the beloved Capcom RPG, Dragon's Dogma. Released back in 2012, this game has built quite the devoted following in the years since it's release. On this episode, Nick is joined by Nolan and community guest TheGreenGoddamn, to discuss the game and respond to comments/questions from the community.
In February/March 2020, the club will be playing Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: Sith Lords; To participate, please visit us at
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5 years ago
This is one of the main factor to learn about revival club dragons and dogma network articles. The resources you can use to follow them with the players list and network reports.
5 years ago
I am not enough old gamer and I haven't played that game now I wanted to play this game if it exists I am a game lover and professional gamer since 2017 and I really like the website where I got different information and podcast on games.
5 years ago
I am surprised that I am playing video games for years and never heard of Dragon Dogma before, as my friend suggested me to play this, so I thought to give it a try. But man I am addicted to this game, especially the graphics and the locations. One thing that should be improved is the background score and sound effects. otherwise, everything about this game is perfect.