
After an unexpected week off, we are back with an episode packed full of impressions and news! While Nick and Krispy have been impressed by Mortal Kombat 11, Brad and Nolan have been hooked on a new indie Metroidvania called Supraland. With Dreams out in Early Access, Brad shares his experiences and struggles like crazy to accurately explain the creator tool set. On top of all that, we also talk Katana Zero, new PS5 details, Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order, and a lot more!

This Week's Discussion Topics:

Mortal Kombat 11
Katana Zero
First Playstation 5 Details
Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order Reveal
and more...

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    5 years, 8 months ago

    I've been following the Media Molecule twitch/youtube channels for about a year now. Definitely look up some of their archives to see how creation works.

    Krispy's confusion makes sense. Most people just don't know what this is. I know Twitch viewership isn't everything, but seeing less than 100 viewers watching Dreams makes me sad. (maybe someone creating is just not very watchable).

    Its basically littlebigplanet to the Nth power. LBP gave you materials to work with, like one type of wood for example. In Dreams, you make the initial shape, and tweak the properties of it to make any kind of color or wood grain combination you can think of. Infinite wood! But its also like LBP where you can just browse the 'Dreamiverse' for already created things, and just stamp them in your creation. It will give credit to the original creators.

    No VR yet, but I can say creating with the Move controllers is far superior to using the dualshock. At least for sculpting. Setting up logic, or making music is totally fine with the DS. Also, you MUST see the music creation tools, they're insane!

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    5 years, 8 months ago

    When they originally showed the trailer for Persona 5 Royale, I wasn't too excited because it looked like what I expected. After thinking about it, I'm looking forward to it because I hope that adding a third semester will fix the problems I had with the game's characters and their development.

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    essayoneday.com reliable
    5 years, 2 months ago

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