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In our first bonus podcast of 2019, we ask an important but not entirely serious question: Is Capcom back? After a couple years of achieving impressive critical and financial success (thanks to games like Monster Hunter World and Resident Evil 7), it's time to start asking ourselves whether this is a happy accident or the start of an upward trend for the company. We react and respond to questions and talking points submitted by our paid supporters on Patreon and Twitch in an effort to sort out our feelings on the subject!
Our next episode will be in early April and will be serve as a Spoiler-filled Post Mortem on Red Dead Redemption 2! Check back for your chance to help curate that discussion!
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Enjoy the show? Let us know how you feel about the topics discussed in the comments below! We'll address your comments and questions during the first 10 minutes of next week's podcast! Involvement with the show via the comments automatically enters you in the monthly giveaway as well!
5 years, 7 months ago
Is capcom back is topic and i think it is a name of the topic which were mention some detail of games. We actually get topic detail here on the page which is best for all of the reader and which is showing best data all the time.
4 years, 10 months ago
Nice to be visiting your blog once more, it has been months for me. Well this article that ive been waited for therefore long. i want this article to finish my assignment within the faculty, and it has same topic together with your article. Thanks, nice share.
4 years, 10 months ago
Do you have more sources for us? thank you