
Do you like games? We hope you like games because we have a LOT of catching up to do now that 1998 Month is behind us. August was jam packed full of great releases such as Donut County, The Messenger, and Yakuza Kiwami 2! Of course, there was also an abundance of new and awesome Metroidvania and Roguelike games to get into such as Dead Cells, Chasm, and Guacamelee 2! Can't decide where to invest your dollars? Maybe we can help.

This Week's Discussion Topics:

Feedback from our Last Episode
Donut County
Dead Cells
The Messenger
Yakuza Kiwami 2
Guacamelee 2
Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds
and more...

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Enjoy the show? Let us know how you feel about the topics discussed in the comments below! We'll address your comments and questions during the first 10 minutes of next week's podcast! Involvement with the show via the comments automatically enters you in the monthly giveaway as well!


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    6 years, 4 months ago

    Hey 4PP crew. Started following you guys way back when I was coming out of middle school, but just recently became a regular once again. I remember when you guys were on Justin,tv, and I had nearly 50+ tabs bookmarked of you guys playing Left 4 Dead on my old, crappy Windows XP as you guys were the true pioneers of video game streaming. It's cool hearing from a bunch of dudes with genuine love for video games like what I have. All my family/friends/co-workers still view video games as child's medium, and that it cannot reach the artist integrity of a movie or music album. It's hard finding people out and about with the same kind of passion for this art, which sucks, but at least the community is strong over the internet. Love the show to this day as you guys all have interesting and differing opinions, and it overall has an amazing pace between your introductions, feedback, game reviews, and the four player minute. It makes my day at work as a dog groomer go by very quickly in the best of ways.

    tldr; Thank you all!

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    6 years, 4 months ago

    When Guacamelee 2 came out, I thought to myself, "Guacamelee 1 was a good game."
    When I got into Guacamelee 2, I thought, "This is fantastic!"

    It just feels like every platforming challenge and combat encounter had so much thought put into it to either teach you the mechanics of a new ability or to test you to see if you've mastered it.

    On the subject of challenges, I probably had more trouble getting the key piece with all the bombs, but that chicken temple after getting the entire key was way more frustrating. After finishing it, I felt invincible and the game does a really good job of making you feel unstoppable once you get into the swing of things.