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Krispy returns to the show just in time to delve deep into one of the most polarizing games of the year thus far, Detroit: Become Human! Brad talks about Overload which draws inspiration and talent from the original Descent while Carlos talks up Alpha Protocol in a way that only Carlos can... The 2nd segment features a surprise cameo and covers huge news topics such as the Fallout 76 announcement, Pokemon on Switch, and more!
This Week's Discussion Topics:
Detroit: Become Human
Alpha Protocol
Fallout 76 Announcement
Pokemon: Let's Go Pikachu / Eevee Announcement
and more...
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6 years, 7 months ago
In regards to the idea of having penises replace your fingers, in real life a similar thing happen but in reverse.
In 2001 a Georgia man had lost his penis to cancer and underwent operation to remove his left middle finger and used skin taken from his other arm to shape and bind it to work as a replacement. The finger was first "turned inside out" to create a channel which allows conventional urination, and the bone was left "to provide rigidity when needed" and not only has it been a success but the man has been able to still have an active sex life.
6 years, 7 months ago
Nice discussion on Detroit guys. I want to add my two cents, as it seems my experience was fairly different than yours.
This game incorporated imagery that was obviously inspired by racial tension in our history such as labeled arm patches and mid-city marches. However race never seemed to me like the core of this game's message, rather it was just used as inspiration for writing this story about androids. To me, this game seemed more interested in exploring the definition of alive. Because the moments that harken back to themes of segregation and racism felt very basic and done-before, whereas the moments dealing with consciousness felt challenging (in a way I haven't really experienced to this degree). I was overwhelmed with instances that seemed to pressure me into answering questions for myself regarding artificial intelligence. Like should they be considered a new life form; are they alive?
Ultimately my biggest criticisms of this game branched off of that, because I'm very opinionated about AI in general. I was really disappointed with how it handled the subject -- not exploring the science enough, and constantly assuming the player is in favor of AI having these rights...
For the record, I didn't like Detroit overall, despite it being beautiful and well acted.
And David Cage saying this game has no message is clearly b.s.