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We cut right to the chase this week with some impressions of Frostpunk, a new game from the makers of This War of Mine. The God of War discussion continues now that we have had some more time with the game (Surprisingly, nobody has beaten it yet) and it continues to impress. Brad dives deeper into Yakuza 6 and we talk about the recent news regarding Red Dead Redemption 2 and the announcement of Shadow of the Tomb Raider.
This Week's Discussion Topics:
God of War
Yakuza 6
Nintendo Labo
Red Dead Redemption 2 News
and more...
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6 years, 8 months ago
1) Regarding Yakuza 6 and managing the baby- I'm also a new-ish dad with a 1 year old and it really affected how I viewed that aspect of the story. Loved the game, but multiple times I said "Wow, not realistic at all." I love how Kiryu just dumps him on random women in the game, whereas in real life you can't imagine how much that would inconvenience someone.
2) Regarding new Tomb Raider- I think its a safe assumption it will be more of the same. Once you have refined the tech and the pipeline over two games, management feels comfortable letting someone else drive, even if its to the detriment of the game's quality. (see Batman AO)
3) Regarding Red Dead 2- I hope everyone loves it, but never forget what Rockstar is: Accept mission. Go to location. Kill everything. Run away.
Drew north of Seattle
6 years, 8 months ago
Hey Gents, greetings from Perth, Australia. This is my first time writing in, even though I've been listening for around 5 years. Before I get to my comments, I just wanna say how much I enjoy listening to you guys every week, so thanks for the hard work!
Anyway, after listening to last weeks podcast about the revival club I felt I had to chime in, as my friends and I have recently started something along the same lines and I'm loving it. Theres 6 of us in the group (all late 20s) and 1 person decides a retro game we all have to play. There are some ground rules for choosing the game including length of the game, cost, if anyone has finished the game before, ect.
As we are all quite time poor, we give each other 2 months to go through the game and then we meet up to discuss it. We normally play the soundtrack from the game as well as a speed run/ clip in the background, while discussing it.
I have so many retro consoles but rarely play them as there is always something current I feel I have to play, so this is a great excuse to play some old classics. So far we have played games like Super Mario World 2: Yoshis Island on SNES, Ghostbusters on Megadrive and Lemmings on SNES.
I think it's a great idea and I would really encourage yourselves and anyone else to try and do something similar.
Keep up the great work.
Sorry for the long post. Regards, Paul
6 years, 8 months ago
I’m a few episodes behind so my comment is based on episode 548. On the topic of Norse mythology, I would recommend nick listen to bands like Amon Amarth and Einherjer. Most of my Viking knowledge comes from metal like those.
The Metal Button.