
Boy do we have a doozy for you this week. Brad brings Iconoclasts to the table but things heat up considerably when he delves deeper into a dark corner of Yakuza 6... Nick played the Black Sheep of the God of War franchise and Chris cracked open Radical Heights for us to analyze. Did we mention that Castlevania is back and Platinum is working on a beautiful new action game? No? That's because they are both mobile games...

This Week's Discussion Topics:

Feedback from our Last Episode
Yakuza 6
God of War Ascension
Assassin's Creed Origins
Radical Heights
and more...

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    6 years, 8 months ago

    Just a thought about a possible Splinter Cell at E3. You may have heard this elsewhere, but why waste the surprise of Ironside voicing Sam Fisher again In a limited mode in another game? I would assume if a new Spinter Cell is happening they would drop that surprise at E3.

  • ChaiThai Avatar
    6 years, 8 months ago

    I am upset that Nick didn’t give Year Walk on mobile a full try. While it is on steam the game utilizes the mobile platform well and I actually think one aspect of the game, the Year Walk companion, loses a lot of impact when it’s built into the game instead of being a separate app. Please go back and give this one another try, even if it’s on an iPad.

  • Scaarecrow Avatar
    6 years, 8 months ago

    I like how Brad said "Kratos is probably not going to do god-like stuff so casually. Like pulling out a giant staircase effortlessly." Then this new God of War starts off with very casual god-like shit seconds after it begins.

    I'm suddenly interested in Yakuza 6 after last weeks footage

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    6 years, 8 months ago

    Chris Davis, ALF did actually have an ending. They did a movie years after the tv series finale aired to finally put a propper ending to it.

    Also, Nick, how can such an adorable guy like ALF creep you out?.
    Im interested on hearing how you feel about ewoks. I personally hate those fuckers.