
Brad comes out of hiding this week to talk about the surprising (in more ways than one) demo for Valkyria Chronicles 4 and his most recent addiction, Monster Hunter World. Nolan relishes in the glory of Into the Breach and Nick has nothing but good things to say about Moss, a charming little VR adventure game from Polyarc. Oh... and Patrons ask us to spill the beans on some gross personal anecdotes...

This Week's Discussion Topics:

Feedback from our Last Episode
Valkyria Chronicles 4 (Demo)
Into the Breach
Monster Hunter World
Metal Gear Survive
and more...

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  • Sir Thomas Thipple Avatar
    Sir Thomas Thipple
    6 years, 10 months ago

    Brad is on the right track with my name. It’s actually th-fronted so that it’s technically pronounced Sir Fomas Fipple. Of course now that everyone knows my name is stupid, I have no choice but to kill myself.

    *Jumps out window

    R.I.P Sir Thomas Thipple: You were loved by no-one.

  • Avatar
    6 years, 10 months ago

    Since you all brought up the "Mad Pooper" from Colorado, ai wonder if you had heard about the "Shit Bandit" in Arkansas from earlier this year:


    Summary in case nobody clicks: dude runs between two cars in a driveway and defecates between them. One time he wipes with a paper towel and left it on the car door handle. Apparently many people in the town mentioned similar things happened to them.

  • Liam du Preez Avatar
    Liam du Preez
    6 years, 10 months ago

    While I do agree a lot with what Brad said about Valkyria Chronicles 4's demo, there really is a lot more to put it far and away from "Valkyria Chronicles 1.5".

    The Grenadier class, the giant land ship thing (Yes, that's a whole thing that is brand new, which incorporates new aspects to tactics and support orders for all your units), and the return to a more mature tone from Valkyria Chronicles 2's infamy allows this to be a return, certainly, but a welcome one.

    Reverting back to a previous form is something we wish for a lot in games, especially when it was following a negative trend (like what happened with Hitman after Absolution, for example). I think Valkyria Chronicles 4 definitely is a step back towards Valkyria Chronicles 1, but there really is a lot of new aspects to keep us interested. Lastly, a big part about VC 1's excellence came from its changes and variations to level design and how each battle played completely differently, and in the demo it seems like they're already doing that, which is a plus.

    I hope this doesn't sound too critical, I really am super excited for VC 4 and am glad that Brad voiced his opinions, and really appreciate y'alls work every week. Have a great 541!

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    6 years, 10 months ago

    It was a little disappointing to hear that Valkyria Chronicles 4 opted not to adopt 2's improvements. People harp on 2's story but it did still have its dark moments; in my opinion the only thing holding back the game was its constant re-using of levels due to hardware limitations. Hopefully we may still see some of 2's improvements further on in 4. If not, it's still Valkyria Chronicles and Valkyria Chronicles is a really good game.

  • hoss3000 Avatar
    6 years, 10 months ago

    I enjoyed the personal stories of people shitting in public in this podcast especially of the "shit sprayed" wall. I was laughing so hard listening to this podcast on my way to work that I was literally crying-I can never get enough of poop and fart humor. Good job!