
After a short delay, you can finally enjoy our final staff list for 2017 from none other than our very own Video Feature Producer, Chris Davis! We hope you have enjoyed our personal lists and you can look forward to the community's Top 10 list as well as the Top 10 highlights of the year very soon!

Chris Davis would love to hear from you about his list so drop us a comment below, reach out in Discord, or shoot him a tweet (Slackerchan) directly to chat about his choices!


  • Nick Henderson Avatar
    Nick Henderson
    6 years, 11 months ago

    Good list Chris. Made me sorta regret my choices about a couple games. Prey and Evil Within 2 most of all. But hey, it was just that kind of year.

    I also call it a win because I managed to get called out twice in the same video. Lol.

    I promise. One day I will give your #3 game my undivided attention.... one day.