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Happy Thanksgiving everyone! As the battle for Net Neutrality rages on, we distract ourselves with dreams of upcoming Thanksgiving food comas and video game binges. Star Wars Battlefront 2 disappoints, Moonlighter delights, and Valkyria Chronicles 4 is a real life video game coming in 2018! We also delve back into Nier Automata and Carlos revisited a 4Player classic, Call of Cthulu: Dark Corners of the Earth.
This Week's Discussion Topics:
Star Wars Battlefront 2
Call of Cthulu: Dark Corners of the Earth
Into the Breach
Valkyria Chronicles 4 Announced for 2018
and more...
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7 years, 1 month ago
Honestly, whether or not the shooting in Call of Cthulhu is any good, I feel like the latter half of Dark Corners of the Earth is actually extremely weak. The first half is part adventure, part horror, and part noir, while the second half is mostly a relatively inept shooter with aspects of an adventure game. I've heard that the devs were faced with budget and time constraints which obviously had them making cuts to content and changing the pacing, but I just can't get over how amazing the first six hours were especially when juxtaposed with the blandness of the second six hours.
7 years, 1 month ago
Guess it depends on how you personally want to define "game of the year." I mean PUBG is THEE game, of 2017. 2017 has amazing games but that came out of nowhere and took the industry by storm, sold like crazy, and is spawning copycats and similar modes. We may look back on 2017 as the year of PUBG. Also, maybe not.
7 years, 1 month ago
Video game concert I would like to attend: Persona Live
7 years, 1 month ago
For the record the story missions that will later be released for Battlefront 2's story has been told to be released later after The Last Jedi for free. In fact all DLC for Battlefront 2 will be free.
Secondly DICE has made a decent singleplayer game with there Battlefield series. Bad Company 1 and 2 were rather competent stories, enjoyable and lengthy. They both had a more Halo approach to design as well, allowing you to usually choose how to play, a sandbox sort of design. That is all I want them to do again. Especially for Battlefront. Also why the fuck don't they just have the singleplayer just be Republic Commando. For fucksakes it writes itself.
7 years, 1 month ago
Yo its your friendly selftank o-o /
On the topic of battlefront 2 and the bad story mode, lets be honest Dice hasn't put out a decent single player story mode in a long time. Story mode in most dice fps games are used more as a tutorial for the online mode, even people riding the hype of battlefield 1 can look back and go that single player was kind of meh.
Moving on the CoD WW2 while it isn't anything special to just go ahead and say its been done before or the battles they cover are overplayed.
Its a fps set in ww2, of course its going to tread the same battles as shooters covering the same time period. I'm glad they try and cover the holocaust and civilians caught in the war zone. Sure its not a masterpiece and can be a little forced with how it handles it but its nice to see it covered at least.
PS. tanks made valkyria chronicles great remember that o-o /