
og:image:, Feedback from Our Last Episode
, Super Mario Odyssey 
, Assassin's Creed Origins
, Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus
, Paris Games Week Announcements,

October came and went but in it's wake, it left a mass of exciting new games! Super Mario Odyssey is shaping up to be yet another huge hit for us to analyze for weeks to come. Nick breaks down his early impressions of Assassin's Creed Origins and Chris Davis comes to bat for Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus. We also break down the numerous announcements coming out of Paris Games Week!

This Week's Discussion Topics:

Feedback from Our Last Episode
Super Mario Odyssey
Assassin's Creed Origins
Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus
Paris Games Week Announcements
and more...

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  • Avatar
    7 years, 2 months ago

    The podcast was awesome as always and then the time came for Paris Games Week coverage, and i became very worried. There is so much negativity toward TLOU Part 2 trailer, so much pc bullshit about "out of context violence" and how this trailer doesn't do anything aside from being a "torture porn".

    Podcast after podcast i was listening to otherwise intelligent people saying some obnoxious shit you can expect from a Polygon article. So this whole situation with the trailer became a some kind of a testing ground for podcasts. And i actually was dredding the moment you guys going to talk about this trailer. I was worried that can fall in the same pit as all those other podcasts did (like Game Informer Podcast and to a lesser extent Giant Bomb). But you guys didn't dissapoint. You managed to recognize the intent, quality and power of this trailer. You managed to see beyond shocking violence and proved to be sane and mindful gamers, that are not preocupied with politics.

    This podcast is starting to be my favorite gaming podcast ever. Thank you for being gamers, and not social movement assholes.

  • king_kerry Avatar
    7 years, 2 months ago

    After playing Odyssey, I think a big contribution to it's success and why Mario games need to embrace more open-worldness of Mario 64 and Sunshine is the focus on level design and exploration. The game rewards you for looking at every nook-and-cranny of each level, allowing the player to form an affiliation with the level.
    Looking back, I have a hard time trying to remember the levels in NSMB or 3D World, but I can remember nearly all levels in Mario 64, Sunshine, Odyssey due shift from 'many linear levels' to handful of grandiose levels.

  • Scaarecrow Avatar
    7 years, 2 months ago

    There was a Patreon question asking about endings to games that made you physically feel something. Recently on the feed George played through Anatomy. I'm convinced that the rest of you should play that as well. Really short game, like an hour at most, that will probably evoke some kind of emotion when it's all done. It did for me and I wasn't even playing it.

  • SelfTorment Avatar
    7 years, 2 months ago

    Hey guys its that cool self, just wanted to say chris should sell his favorite anime bible black. o-o

    Honestly really enjoyed the last podcast, so far i'm enjoying AC origins but i wish it did a bit more with the history.
    Its currently at the ending years of the ptolemaic dynasty and it doesn't really talk about the other eras mostly just the era of old kingdom, they don't really talk about the middle or new kingdom all that much. I want the war with the sea people to be covered D:

    Just a reminder the old kingdom was like over 2000 years for the events of the current game o-o /