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2017 Continues to impress as we press forward towards the heavy release season! This week, Krispy delivers a wonderful beginners guide to enjoying Divinity Original Sin 2, a game that is quickly making a name for itself as one of the best RPG of the year! Nick and Chris delve back into Dishonored 2 with the Death of the Outsider expansion and Carlos shines some light on a charming new RTS called Tooth and Tail. We also go to war over the proper way to prepare a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwhich.
This Week's Discussion Topics:
Divinity Original Sin 2
Tooth and Tail
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider
Halo SPV 3 Mod
Tokyo Game Show News Roundup
and more...
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7 years, 3 months ago
Great show guys!I'm glad Chris took a look at spv3, I thought it seemed weird at first but after hearing him talk about it and seeing the footage I am definitely going to be giving it a try.
7 years, 3 months ago
Krispy's PBJ PSA made me laugh harder than I've laughed in a long while. Speaking of which, PBJ is truly enhanced when using toast and sliced bananas. You can trust me on this because I once made a waffle with mayonnaise and ketchup because there was no syrup. 10/10
7 years, 3 months ago
Someone mentioned Wonder Women last week and it reminded me of a popcorn cast I was looking forward to. Where exactly was the Spider-man popcorn cast posted? I looked on the main website and don't see it there around the time it released for everyone. Is there a new spot for those?
I've been enjoying Divinity Original Sin II also. Krispy mentioned that the game is split into 60/60/20 for combat, exploration, and social stuff respectively. I feel the main reason they made the Game Master mode was because they realized that as well. They want to allow players to tip that scale however they want, especially with the social aspects. With combat you can avoid even using the game's system and still use the pen & paper style with the game serving mainly as visual aid. Seems like a really awesome alternative to 'Roll20.' I'm excited for the possibility of seeing it in the future on the feed!
7 years, 3 months ago
As someone interested in DnD but have never played it, all the comparisons this and Divinity is receiving is making me tempted to pick it up.
However, hearing people talk about it is also a bit daunting. Thats the one thing keeping me from purchasing it. Krispy has went the most in depth on it than any other podcast Ive listened to which is appreciated and helpful, but theres that doubt in my mind about how noob friendly it is.
7 years, 3 months ago
Here's my feedbeck:
Great show guys, always love to see Carlos make an appearance, even if it was just his floating head. Glad to hear Krispy's enjoying DOS2, hope he sees it through to the end. Get dat money Krispy!
Then buy another copy of Destiny 2 and tweet the pic at Brad. (jk)
Also, it'd be neat to see Krispy & others try the DOS2 CO-OP.
13SENTINELS HYPE! Really hope they show the meat of that game soon, let me see some mech combat!
(On PB&Js)
I like a nice grilled peanut butter sandwich myself, with sugar sprinkled on the bread. Peanut butter sandwiches dipped in milk are great too.