
[Credit: IGN.com]

In a surprise move, THQ Nordic and the remanants of Vigil Games, now known as Gunfire Games, have announced the new installment in the Darksider's franchise! Honestly, this is a franchise I never expected to see the light of day again but I would be lying if it didn't make me happy. The series has long been great at iterating on elements of other popular franchises; Zelda, God of War, and Portal all come to mind, but it's inspired visual style and world design, coupled with the more open-ended nature of Darksiders 2, always made up for what the series may have lacked in originality. 

In Darksiders 3, players control Fury, one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse, as SHE struggles to take down physical manifestations of the 7 Deadly Sins.

Darksiders 3 is slated for release on PS4, Xbox One, and PC in 2018

We'll be delving into our thoughts on this announcement on this week's podcast but we want to know what you thought! Leave us a comment below and we might incorporate it into the discussion on this week's episode!


  • Chris Avatar
    7 years, 8 months ago

    Want. Nay, NEED.

    Now that this is announced, I feel like I need to give Darksiders 2 another shot. It didn't sit well with me on my first attempt but, years later, maybe some fresh eyes will change my perspective.

  • Lemurdragon Avatar
    7 years, 8 months ago

    I'm extremely glad Darksiders was rescued. The only main question is WHAT this game becomes, as DS 1 and 2 were very different games. I'm excited for this protagonist but I'm worried about how she'll do. Death and war were both also very normal/hammy but the writing took the salt out of them and there was still some level of levity and witty dialogue occasionally, especially in darksiders 2. Let's hope it's good, but we need gameplay. What genre of game is this gonna be? Hopefully not as big an open world as darksiders 2. It got to be really exhausting.