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This week Chris Davis draws a line in the sand about The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild... a line that we as human beings refuse to cross. Given the 2 week period since our last regular show, we have a wealth of new (and old) games to talk about including Cosmic Star Heroine, Flinthook, Drawn to Death, and more!
Podcast 501 - [download]
This Week's Discussion Topics:
Cosmic Star Heroine
Persona 5
Horizon: Zero Dawn
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Mass Effect Andromeda
Drawn to Death
and more...
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7 years, 8 months ago
First off, Vigilante 8 was the shit. Fuck y'all haters.
Drawn to Death seems rad. I havent played yet (enjoying Persona 5 at the moment), but the look of that game is cool. The announcer I can see turning people off, but I think its appropriate considering what the game is going for. I would think people could distance themselves from something like the announcer, but I feel like that is bringing the reviews down in an disproportional way almost. Ill be excited to try it out when Persona is done assuming there are people still playing.
7 years, 8 months ago
Big congrats to Brad. I was curious since two of the crew have married if either of you would have a kid soon. Have you thought about how you might introduce them to games in the future? I haven't decided how I'm going to approach it. Probably similar to how I was introduced (simple controller first, like NES)
My daughter just hit 4 months. The first 2 months were extremely challenging so hang in there. Month 3 it starts to get fun. And then month 4 is tough again :)
7 years, 8 months ago
I appreciate being made aware of the existence of cosmic star heroine. Which now occupies the number 27 slot on my steam wishlist.
I don't like how dismissive Brad was of people who did not like his precious drawn to death. With him constantly stating that those people must be lame cod players or something.
I don't generally enjoy multiplayer shooters, but i decided to give dtd a shot since it was included with ps plus. I did not make it trough the tutorial because it was so painfully immature. Which was sort of mentioned on the cast, but this was beyond any redeeming qualities that the gameplay may have had.
7 years, 8 months ago
Nick. I can appreciate that you are, like me, one that likes unpopular toppings such as mushrooms and pineapple. Sure beats Brad's boring ass pepperoni. But you CAN'T just toss a random assortment of 16 toppings on a pizza like a goddamn maniac. There needs to be a balance to the taste with what you're putting on. 2 to 3 toppings! 4 CAN be acceptable if it's light. Like chili flakes or other spices. I make a delicious pizza with grilled chicken, Spanish onions and roasted red peppers. Butter chicken pizza is great too.
7 years, 8 months ago
Games like drawn to death and cosmic star heroine have what a lot of games have been missing in my opinion. That its apparent that the devs behind the game actually give shit about the project and injected some passion into it. Games like the new cod feel like copy and paste ideas