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The 2017 video game typhoon continues! Mass Effect Andromeda dropped this week and despite some faults and the controversy surrounding it's release, we find ourselves enjoying our time with it. Krispy continues to peel the onion that is Nier Automata to dramatic effect and Breath of the Wild surprises nobody by continuing to be awesome.
Podcast 497 - [download]
This Week's Discussion Topics:
Mass Effect Andromeda
Nier Automata
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Evil Within 2 Rumors
Radiant Historia Remake Coming to... 3DS?
and more...
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7 years, 9 months ago
You should give the Honest Trailer for Beauty and the Beast a look if you want some spooky undertones brought up.
Really? I've heard nothing about SJWs going on about ugly women in Andromeda. I HAVE heard of the... undesirable facial features of the women, and how many of them remind people of Sera from Dragon Age Inquisition. (And after having seen screen shots of said women, must concur that they all have been subject to a smack or two from the ugly stick.)
Only thing I want to say about Zelda is that Gerudo Link, is a 10/10 would bang. I'd would rock that elf's booty.
7 years, 9 months ago
So this year for video game releases has been crazy as I'm sure you guys know. the first big release was I played was Zelda breath of the holy shit its big, an open world game that has an emphasis on resource to make better stuff. next I played horizon zero dawn of wardor an open world game that has an emphasis on resource gathering to make better stuff. and lastly I'm playing mass effect Andromeda cold dead stare edition right now and stop me if you heard this one before its an open world game that has an emphasis on resource collecting for better shit. If you haven't noticed there's a pattern here and I wonder if its going to go same way modern military shooters went? Love the podcast keep up the good work.
7 years, 9 months ago
Brad is spot on about vanguard being by far the best class in the original mass effect trilogy. Maybe to a lesser extent in mass effect 1 since the vanguard in that one didn't have charge, and was instead a plain soldier/biotic hybrid.
7 years, 9 months ago
Your movie discussion made me realize that I've never actually seen the beauty and the beast and all of my knowledge of it comes from kingdom hearts.
7 years, 9 months ago
I believe that the dead eyes and the overall lack of animation and movement has added much to Nolan's stream than taken away from it. Looks like we've had more highlights from Nolan Andromeda gameplay than any other in the past few weeks.
I loved them videos and that particular one where the female NPC kept looking at the camera was freaking me the fuck out, like Nolan.
I do have the game and have been playing and loving the MP so far. I am also highly excited to play the campaign myself.
Its nice though that three folks on the podcast are playing Andromeda, because irrespective of the review score its MASS EFFECT you know, you don't not play a Mass Effect game, no matter how jank.
7 years, 9 months ago
Hi guys, great podcast as usual.
Just wanted to chime in on the ME:Andromeda discussion. I am 30 hours into the game and have been greatly enjoying it so far. Though there are some faults, I feel the good overtakes the bad and my experience with the game is on par with the previous trilogy.
My problems is that it's almost impossible to find any online spaces to discuss and share my positive experiences with the game because of the general atmosphere of vitriol surrounding the game. I have been asking myself: "Should I be that guy that tries to hold up a flag and champion this game? Should I just leave off and enjoy the game in private?" It's a weird situation.
Anyways keep up the good work.
7 years, 9 months ago
Where I'm coming from the people in the Andromeda Initiative didn't make a huge sacrifice; they're in the life boats, and I'd ask anyone who has an ounce of regret if they'd rather be in Mass Effect 3.
7 years, 9 months ago
While the graphical glitches in Mass Effect make it difficult to take some of the conversations seriously, I've heard that the side quests in the game can be actually interesting. It sounds like a step up from the ones in Dragon Age: Inquisition and even from some of the quests in Mass Effect 3.
That Nomad has nowhere near as much jump as the Mako did though.
7 years, 9 months ago
I feel like I'm the only one that thinks Andromeda I a true sequel to the first Mass Effect game. While 2 and 3 were far better in the base gameplay alot was Los that I still enjoy overall from ME1. Exploration, diverse skills, inventory, mystery. All these thing were lost and now with there return I think Andromeda is one of the best to come out of the series. It has it problems but compared to the alternative I would take this over what came before.
7 years, 9 months ago
I believe that Brad's concerns: about the Switch not being projected as the all-Nintendo system, were legit.
Isn't this the time to be announcing new Switch games when it most needs new buyers and existing owners to feel positive about a new $300 machine.
At the time of the PS4's release, games like AC: Black Flag, Rayman Legends and Ground Zeroes saw next-gen and current gen versions alongside each other, which only helped Sony's case.
I do understand what Nolan said that maybe Nintendo wishes to separate the games appearing on both systems as different entries so as not to confuse the 'babies' in their audience, but that is what Brad's concern stems from I suppose - Nintendo segregating the offerings when the Switch can do both: handheld + console.
7 years, 9 months ago
I think the main reason Nintendo doesn't want to put 3DS games on the Switch is because they dont want a "handheld" game to be played on the same consol as games on the level of Zelda. I dont think this will ever change, but I could see Nintendo launch a special "3DS virtural store." I also think there are a lot games, that have always been on the ds platform, that would lose a lot by losing the bottom screen and the touch screen.